wmo-im / WSI

WIGOS Station Identifier
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Suggested national WSI schema #9

Open efucile opened 3 years ago

efucile commented 3 years ago

Several Members are not able to develop their own national WSI schema. We need to propose a schema that can be adopted by those Members not willing to develop their own. The simpler way to do it is to start from the 20000- schemas and use the country code and the issue number to differentiate the various systems.

Issuer of identifier values Category of station identifier Issue number Local identifier
20000 World Weather Watch land station with sub-index number (SI) = 0 0: station defined in Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume A, on 1 July 2016 Any other positive number: to distinguish between different observing facilities that used the same station identifier in the past Use the block number II and ber iii, a ve-digit numbe ith leading zeroes). Example: station 60351 would be represented by 0-20000-0-60351
20001 World Weather Watch land index 0: station defined in Weather Reporting, Volume A, on Use the block number II, and the station number iii, as a single five-digit number IIiii (with leading zeroes). Example: upper-air station 57816 would be represented by 0-20001-0-57816
20002 World Weather Watch marine platform (moored or drifting buoy, platform, etc.) 0: platform for which the identifier was in use on 1 July 2016 Use the region/platform number combination A1bwnbnbnb. Examples: The data buoy 59091 would be represented by 0-20002-0-59091 The World Weather Watch list of data buoys has two buoys with identifier 13001. The buoy most recently used at the time WIGOS station identifiers  were  introduced is allocated 0-20002-0-13001 and the second is issued identifier 0-20002-1-13001
20003 Ship identifier based on the International Telecommunication Union call sign 0: ship to which the identifier was most recently allocated on 1 July 2016 Any other positive number: to distinguish between different ships that used the same ship identifier at different times Ship call sign Example: the (now obsolete) weather ship C7R would be represented by 0-20003-0-C7R
20004 Ship identifier – issued nationally 0: ship to which the identifier was most recently allocated on 1 July 2016 Any other positive number: to distinguish between different ships that used the same ship identifier at different times Ship identifier Example: the fictitious ship XY123AB would be represented by 0-20004-0-XY123AB
20005 AMDAR aircraft identifier 0: aircraft to which the identifier was most recently issued on 1 July 2016 Any other number: to distinguish between different aircraft that used the same aircraft identifier at different times Aircraft identifier Example: aircraft EU0246 would be represented by 0-20005-0-EU0246
golfvert commented 3 years ago

So, this is guideline on WSI distribution. Is it our problem or WIGOS'?