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XML schema and Schematron for aviation weather data exchange
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306 v3 Changes Review #143

Closed marqh closed 5 years ago

marqh commented 5 years ago

Review Proposed changes to WMO 306 for IWXXM 3.0.0

marqh commented 5 years ago

Initial version for review is at http://wiswiki.wmo.int/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=5179

blchoy commented 5 years ago

Make sure that there are words mandating srsDimension=2, and compatible with the value in srsName.

marqh commented 5 years ago

I have completed a set of edits to the document previously posted on this ticket.

In summary:

There remains an outstanding activity, required to ensure that CRS limitations are proscribed, mandating srsname usage, srsDimension=2 usage, as previously commented

This document is ready for review


marqh commented 5 years ago

@efucile @mgoberfield @dzinkhan @jkorosi @blchoy notification

jkorosi commented 5 years ago

I have following questions:

  1. Shouldn't be 7 point rules avoided in IWXXM?
  2. Should be somewhere mention that gml:id in IWXXM should be UUID4?
  3. I think that http://def.wmo.int/iwxxm/3.0/req/xsd-sigmet-core/is-cancel-report requirement implies the reportStatus equal to AMENDMENT.
  4. The RTD reports are not handled. Should it be present in this document?
marqh commented 5 years ago

following TT AvXML meeting, on 10th April 2019, items 1&2 from https://github.com/wmo-im/iwxxm/issues/143#issuecomment-481662832 are accepted and items 3&4 are not accepted as additions.

marqh commented 5 years ago

I have updated the document to include the UUID definition as a new requirement class and to include the CRS elements as a new requirement class

I do not consider this complete, as the dependencies of other requirement classes on these two new classes have not been fully defined. This needs completing.

I present this version for ongoing review


blchoy commented 5 years ago

Thanks @marqh for preparing the updated draft. I think we need to discuss:

  1. Would like to recap that the requirements listed may not be necessarily enforced by the schemas and/or schematron, so validation may not be able to capture all violations of the requirements.

  2. The CRS and gml:id requirements can be specify at element level, but in the gml:id case there could be a lot. Do we want to be specific or a covering description is enough?

  3. iwxxm:extension is not mandatory but do we want to specify requirements when it is used? Can we add a new type "optional" in addition to "requirement", "recommendation" and "dependency"?

marqh commented 5 years ago

I have completed my updates to the 306 proposal document.

This now includes:


@efucile please may you validate whether this older format is able to be opened by legacy technologies, as you requested?

blchoy commented 5 years ago

My suggested updates in track-change mode which include:

can be found here: IWXXM3.0Attachment-choy.docx

@marqh and @efucile: Please see if the proposed additions meet your expectation.

mgoberfield commented 5 years ago

Dear Choy (@blchoy ), Mark (@marqh), et. al.

Is AIXM information in Table 205-XX.2.2 correct? Our CI software refers to a specific profile of AIXM. I kindly refer you to see the catalog.template.xml file.

blchoy commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing out Mark. You are right, while a schemaLocation of http://www.aixm.aero/schema/5.1.1/AIXM_Features.xsd is not wrong, we are promoting the use of the AIXM Weather Profile at http://aixm.aero/schema/5.1.1_profiles/AIXM_WX/5.1.1b/AIXM_Features.xsd for a reduced version of the schema. You also reminded me that I will also need to change the schemaLocation in common.xsd too.

efucile commented 5 years ago

Here is the version that I am using for formal approval FM205-2018-IWXXM3.0.docx

efucile commented 5 years ago

@marqh this is a doc version of Vol. I.3 306_I3_en.docx however I have to make the changes as we use a special way to indicate changes in the manuals that is in our word tools. Just cut the page that you want to change and make the changes with track changes on.

marqh commented 5 years ago

@efucile many thanks for the document

I have made a set of tracked changes updates to appendices A and B:


I hope this document change is clear and importable for you

blchoy commented 5 years ago

@efucile : The following is a last minute change to Vol. I.3 in track-change mode before your submission: FM205-2018-IWXXM3.0-choy.docx

efucile commented 5 years ago

@blchoy and @marqh do we have a simple list of the most significant changes that I can include in the communication to the focal points for the official consultation?

blchoy commented 5 years ago

I suggest:

  1. Add Amendment 78 to ICAO Annex 3/WMO No.49 II changes, including
    • Introduction of the Space Weather Advisory
    • Changes involving the Tropical Cyclone Advisory
  2. Mandate the use of
    • 2 dimensional coordinate reference systems for spatial referencing
    • UUID identifier in gml:id
  3. Simplify representation by removing the OGC Observation and Measurement construct
  4. Fixed bugs and deficiencies in representations of various reports
efucile commented 5 years ago

Document to be sent to national focal points for consultation is here FT2019-2 WMO-306 Vol I.3.docx @marqh and @blchoy please have a quick look

blchoy commented 5 years ago

As the draft document has been submitted for approval, this thread can be closed.