wmo-im / iwxxm

XML schema and Schematron for aviation weather data exchange
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Schematron rule SIGMET.SIGMET-5 is too restrictive #208

Closed blchoy closed 4 years ago

blchoy commented 4 years ago

There were reports (cbs-tt-avxml:1086 and cbs-tt-avxml:1142) saying that the schematron rule SIGMET.SIGMET-5 is too restrictive.

Checking history, the rules comparing phenonemonTime against validPeriod first appeared in IWXXM v2.1 as below:

In IWXXM v3.0 they have changed to:

While there are no explicit descriptions on how the elements should be related in Annex 3, Paras and of the Regional SIGMET Guide Template (there was a working paper METPWGMOG/7/SN/30-rev discussing an update to it in 2018) does mention: The following regulations apply when determining the validity period: The period of validity is that period during which the SIGMET information is valid for transmission to aircraft in flight. Examples:

  1. First two lines of a SIGMET for an observed phenomenon: WSTH31 VTBS 241120 VTBB SIGMET 3 VALID 241120/241500 VTBS–
  2. First two lines of a SIGMET for a forecast phenomenon (expected time of occurrence 1530) WSSR20 WSSS 311130 WSJC SIGMET 1 VALID 311530/311930 WSSS-

    Therefore SIGMET.SIGMET-5 (and also AIRMET.AIRMET-5) should only be valid when @timeIndicator="FORECAST". This should considered to be a bug and should be fixed.

Taking also into account of the good things we have in v.2.1, the following revision to SIGMET.SIGMET-5, SIGMET.SIGMET-6 and AIRMET.AIRMET-5 are proposed:

  1. For iwxxm:analysis (applies to both SIGMET and AIRMET):

    • if @timeIndicator="OBSERVATION", the phenomenonTime should be less than or equal to the start of validTime
    • if @timeIndicator="FORECAST", the phenomenonTime should be greater than or equal to the start of validTime
  2. For iwxxm:forecastPositionAnalysis (applies to SIGMET only):

    • the phenomenonTime should be within the start and end of validTime

Views are most welcomed.

blchoy commented 4 years ago

Fixed in Version 3.0-dev.

For record purpose SIGMET.SIGMET-5 and AIRMET.AIRMET-5 was split into 5a and 5b respectively to cater for the two cases when @timeIndicator = 'OBSERVATION' and @timeIndicator = 'FORECAST'.