wmo-im / iwxxm

XML schema and Schematron for aviation weather data exchange
48 stars 22 forks source link

Miss Z, Date time in zulu format ISO 8601 #289

Closed francois-achache closed 1 year ago

francois-achache commented 1 year ago

All date time should be in zulu format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601

Making a pull request

In making a pull request, please make sure that both the model under wmo-im/iwxxm-modelling and wmo-im/iwxxm are sychnchronized, and correct version of model's exported XMI file and HTML documentation are in wmo-im/iwxxm.

Deterville commented 1 year ago

All date time should be in zulu format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601

Making a pull request

In making a pull request, please make sure that both the model under wmo-im/iwxxm-modelling and wmo-im/iwxxm are sychnchronized, and correct version of model's exported XMI file and HTML documentation are in wmo-im/iwxxm.


Deterville commented 1 year ago

RTDBMS merge SQL ISO 9004 .zip