wmo-im / iwxxm

XML schema and Schematron for aviation weather data exchange
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Generate XML Schema 1.1 for IWXXM 3.0 #4

Closed marqh closed 6 years ago

marqh commented 7 years ago

Instead of generating IWXXM 2.0 in XML Schema 1.1 this ticket previously mentioned, it will be more beneficial to have this in upcoming pre-release version of IWXXM (viz 3.0RC1) and be published well before the next Annex 3 amendment cycle for technology preview and testing.

ref: https://software.ecmwf.int/issues/browse/AVXML-7

Created: 29/Sep/15 7:08 PM

Reporter: Aaron Braeckel

braeckel commented 6 years ago

There are two advantages to XML Schema 1.1:

The open content model advantages have essentially been met through the use of extensions. The rules directly in the schema are an advantage but do not overcome the lack of implementation of XML Schema 1.1 among users. If there is another request for this at a later date it will be considered, but is not considered important for now.