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WMO Core Metadata Profile 2
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Concepts should point to one unique and resolvable URI #204

Open GijsbertKruithof opened 1 month ago

GijsbertKruithof commented 1 month ago

The current standard allows for more than one concept to point to one scheme. See the example below. This is understandable for a human being but not for a computer. So in fact this makes the metadata not machine readable. It wouldn't allow a computer to automatically link concepts to other vocabularies. We came across this issue in the RODEO Climate Workpackage. I would propose to make the standard more strict. So a concept should always refer to a unique and resolvable URI. See example below.

EXAMPLE The current standard allows this (example taken from https://github.com/wmo-im/wcmp2/blob/main/examples/ca-eccc-msc.daily-climate-observations.json)

"concepts": [
                        "id": "Climate"
                        "id": "Climate archives"
                        "id": "Climate change"
                "scheme": "https://canada.multites.net/cst"

This is not resolvable for a computer.

PROPOSAL It should always be like this:

"concepts": [
              "Total Precipitations"

            "scheme": "http://codes.wmo.int/bufr4/b/13/_023"
               "concepts": [
                 "Wind speed"

               "scheme": "http://codes.wmo.int/common/quantity-kind/windSpeed"

So each concept should have it's own URI which is resolvable. Ideally it should be public (not needing a github account for instance) and it should be a persistent identifier in a controlled and maintained vocabulary.

tomkralidis commented 1 week ago

TT-WISMD 2024-06-28: