We have not found any examples for the following data:
radiosondes – BUFR (IUSD01/02),
radiosonde_100hPa – BUFR (IUKD01)
radiosondes - text (temp and pilot) (USIS01, UKIS01, ULIS01, UEIS01, UPIS01, UGIS01, UHIS01, UQIS01)
climat – text (CSIS01)
city_forecast – text (FPIS01)
ship – bufr
If possible, it would be great if sample metadata could also be provided for these products for the switch to an official WIS2 product (not as a bulletin via GTS gateway). The headers are only intended to provide a more detailed description.
We have not found any examples for the following data:
If possible, it would be great if sample metadata could also be provided for these products for the switch to an official WIS2 product (not as a bulletin via GTS gateway). The headers are only intended to provide a more detailed description.