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Q from pub department on Requirements class "core" #226

Open amilan17 opened 2 days ago

amilan17 commented 2 days ago
OGC API – Features – Part 1: Core corrigendum (OGC: OGC 17-069r)  

The record conforms to OGC API – Records – Core: Part 1: Requirements Class: Record Core

...I can clearly see that the official name for this standard is “OGC API – Features – Part 1: Core corrigendum”. I am trying to do a similar check for the name of the product in the next row: “OGC API – Records – Core: Part 1: Requirements Class: Record Core”. The OGC web site uses the name “OGC API - Records - Part 1: Core” (shttps://ogcapi.ogc.org/records/) which is different from the name given here. Are the words “Requirements Class: Record Core” intended to be part of the name of the standard? Any clarification you could provide would be most helpful.

amilan17 commented 2 days ago

Does it make sense to change it to:

The record conforms to the Requirements Class “Record Core” of OGC API - Records - Part 1: Core