wmo-im / wmdr

WIGOS Metadata Standard: UML model and schemas
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Historization of station characteristics #56

Open fstuerzl opened 1 year ago

fstuerzl commented 1 year ago

DWD submitted requirements to the OSCAR Support, which are not possible with the current WMDR version. They raised issues with the elements describing an observing facility: The attributes "dateEstablished" and "dateClosed" do not allow the description of a phase, where operations at this station were interrupted for a longer period. This information should be available more prominently, not only on deployment or program affiliation level.

Below the request, translated from German:

We would like to suggest that a station interruption (important information) is immediately recognisable for users. An entry under "Station characterisitcs" at the point "Date established" with from and to date would inform the end user directly about the interruption of the measurement point (station) and the measurement series (variables). A change of coordinates with entry of the date currently only expresses possible station relocations, but not how long the station has been at this location.

Example: Station established 01.01.1940 operating till 31.05.1946, then after an interruption of approx. 28 years it was recommissioned on 01.11.1974 and is still running today. Unfortunately, this interruption is not visible in OSCAR.

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.05.04-TT-WIGOSMD notes: Franziska introduced the issue; Anna said that there are also discussions in SC-ON on the need for this feature;