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2-02 programs additions and updates #325

Closed anthoninlize closed 2 years ago

anthoninlize commented 3 years ago

Proposal Summary



Summary and Purpose

New additions and udpates to the 2-02 code list for Programs from OceanOPS. Required for synchronisation of marine observing elements.


support@ocean-ops.org : The OceanOPS team


Please see the proposal in the Excel file attached. Different tabs, one per missing programs inside the observing networks and a tab to update existing program paths and definitions.
They all contain a notation, path, name and description.


The additions are required to submit observing facilities within those programs, otherwise they are rejected. The updates are required to better reflect the contributors (wrong hierarchy and definitions.




Notation Path Name Description
JAMSTECMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\JAMSTEC-MB JAMSTEC-MB Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Moored Buoy
BOMMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\BOM MB BOM MB Bureau of Meteorology Moored Buoy
AARI \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\AARI AARI Buoys managed by Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russian Federation
SASDB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\SAS-DB SAS-DB Voluntary buoys deployed by Sailing for Science
DFOUSVs \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\DFO USVs DFO USVs Unmanned/Autonomous Surface Vehicles by DFO, Canada
NZTSU \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\NZ-TSU NZ-TSU GNS Science is a New Zealand Crown Research Institute
peruMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\Peru-MB Peru-MB Moored Buoys deployed by SENAMHI-Peru
USACE \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\USACE USACE Owned and maintained by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Data provided by Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Waverider Buoy
SBUMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\SBU-MB SBU-MB Owned and maintained by Stony Brook University Buoy
UNHMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\UNH-MB UNH-MB Owned and maintained by the University of New Hampshire, Moored Buoy
OOIMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\OOI-MB OOI-MB Station owned and maintained by Ocean Observatories Initiative, Buoy
CSIMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\CSI-MB CSI-MB Owned and maintained by UNC Coastal Studies Institute, Data provided by Scripps Institution of Oceanography
NERACOOSMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\NERACOOS-MB NERACOOS-MB Owned and maintained by Woods Hole Group/NERACOOS, Data provided by Scripps Institution of Oceanography
COMPSMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\COMPS-MB COMPS-MB Owned and maintained by COMPS (University of South Florida) Offshore Buoy
TAMUMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\TAMU-MB TAMU-MB Developed and maintained by Texas A&M University, Funding provided by the Texas General Land Office's Oil Spill Prevention & Response Program
ILBD \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\IL-DB IL-DB Drifting buoy by Israel
ILMB \Co-sponsored\GOOS\DBCP\IL-MB IL-MB Moored buoys by Israel
argoGermany2025 \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo GERMANY 2025 Argo GERMANY 2025 German Argo 2025
euroSeaArgo \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\EuroSea Argo EuroSea Argo Argo part of the EuroSea project
AOMLHurricaneALAMOFloats \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\AOML Hurricane ALAMO Floats AOML Hurricane ALAMO Floats Hurricane float programme
argoSIOEqSBE61NOPP \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo SIO eq. (SBE61NOPP) Argo SIO eq. (SBE61NOPP) NOPP Deep Argo pilot
argoHUEq \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo eq. HU Argo eq. HU Hokkaido University contribution to Argo.
argoGOBGCUW \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo GO-BGC, UW Argo GO-BGC, UW Argo BGC program of UW
argoGOBGCWHOI \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo GO-BGC, WHOI Argo GO-BGC, WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Argo BGC program
argoGOBGCSIO \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo GO-BGC, SIO Argo GO-BGC, SIO SCRIPPS institute Argo BGC program
argoGomBoemEq \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo GOM-BOEM eq. Argo GOM-BOEM eq. Gulf of Mexico US Argo research program
bioargoUmaine \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\BioArgo UMaine BioArgo UMaine BGC Argo contribution from Umaine
argoCanadaEq \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo CANADA eq. Argo CANADA eq. Canadian Argo quivalent program
NAOSCanada \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\NAOS-Canada NAOS-Canada Canadian contribution to NAOS program
argoIndonesia \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\Argo INDONESIA Argo INDONESIA Indonesian Argo program
soclim \Co-sponsored\GOOS\Argo\SOCLIM SOCLIM Southern Ocean Climate: Field studies with innovative Tools)
MOOSEnvironment \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Mediteranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment Mediteranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment Mediteranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment
IMOSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Integrated Marine Observing System - Glider Integrated Marine Observing System - Glider The Ocean Gliders facility operates a fleet of autonomous underwater ocean gliders that undertake measurements from shelf and boundary currents in Australian waters.
projetoAzul \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Projeto Azul Projeto Azul Project Azul is a cooperation between SHELL Brasil, the Laboratory of Computational Methods in Engineering (LAMCE) COPPE / UFRJ's and PROOCEANO, a Brazilian oceanographic technology company.
texasUniversityGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Texas University Glider Program Texas University Glider Program Texas University Glider Program is part of GCOOS Regional Alliance. Gulf of Mexico regional component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).
irishGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Irish sustained glider deployment Irish sustained glider deployment Irish deployment on sustained endurance line
COSYNA \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas German multi-platform Observatory of the Northern and Arctic Sea
NATOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Scientific NATO glider experiment Scientific NATO glider experiment Sustained gliders scientific exepriments from NATO
SKIOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\SKIO Glider Program SKIO Glider Program SKIO Glider Program is part of SECOORA's observatories to observe, understand, and increase awareness of our coastal ocean; promoting knowledge, economic and environmental health through strong regional partnerships.
DFOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Glider Program Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Glider Program The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Glider Program.
DFOUVicGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\DFO/University of Victoria Glider program DFO/University of Victoria Glider program Glider program operated by University of Victoria in collaboration with DFO.
HZGGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\HZG glider program HZG glider program Glider program operated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.
TTUGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Tallin University Glider Program Tallin University Glider Program Estonian Glider program operated by Tallin University of Technology.
GINA \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Glider In The Agulhas Glider In The Agulhas Glider program operated by CSIR in South Africa along the Agulhas current
StonyBrookGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Stony Brook Glider Program Stony Brook Glider Program SoMas Glider Program is part of the CARICOOS program
AOMLGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\AOML Glider Program AOML Glider Program AOML Glider program is part of the CARICOOS Network
UMasGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\University of Massachussetts Dartmouth Glider Program University of Massachussetts Dartmouth Glider Program Program created for the deployment operated by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth not registered under any other observation program.
IsraelGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Israeli National Monitoring Israeli National Monitoring 3 seaexplorer gliders purchased and operated under consortium agreement between the four institutes.
MIGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Marine Institute Glider Program Marine Institute Glider Program Glider program operated by the Marine Institute (Ireland)
USFGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\University of South Florida Glider Program University of South Florida Glider Program USF Glider Program is part of SECOORA monitoring program
FMIGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\FMI Glider Program FMI Glider Program Glider program operated by the Finish Institute of Meteorology. FMI operate gliders in the Baltic sea.
NIWAGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NIWA Glider Program NIWA Glider Program Glider program operated by NIWA is New Zeland.
OOICGSNGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\OOI - Coastal and Global Scale Nodes OOI - Coastal and Global Scale Nodes The Ocean Observatories Initiative is funded by the National Science Foundation and is managed and coordinated by the OOI Program Management Office (PMO) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, MA.
OGSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\OGS glider program OGS glider program Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale glider program.
NavoceanGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\US NAVY glider program US NAVY glider program Glider program operated by NAVOCANO (Oceanographic component of the US navy).
MBARIGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\MBARI glider program MBARI glider program MBARI and Naval Postgraduate School glider program
MUNGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Memorial University of Newfoundland Glider program Memorial University of Newfoundland Glider program Glider operation leaded by MUN
GEOMARGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\GEOMAR Glider program GEOMAR Glider program Glider program operated by GEOMAR. Regular cooperation with Cape Verde Oceanographic institute.
UEAGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\University of East Anglia Glider Program University of East Anglia Glider Program Glider program operated by UEA. UEA operated all over the world in area of interest for their science.
OOIEnduranceGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\OOI - Coastal Endurance Array OOI - Coastal Endurance Array The OOI is funded by the National Science Foundation and is managed and coordinated by the OOI Program Management Office (PMO) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, MA.
ISMARGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\CNR Ismar Glider Program CNR Ismar Glider Program Glider program operated by CNR ISMAR including repeated section between Sardinia and Balearic Island
INTAROSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\INTAROS french glider program INTAROS french glider program Glider deployment run by CNRS in the Fram Strait during INTAROS project
WhaleGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Whale Glider Program Whale Glider Program Whale Glider program in the Chukchi Sea.
HCMRGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\HCMR glider program HCMR glider program HCMR maintain the the Cretan Line.
NOCLGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NOC Liverpool Glider Program NOC Liverpool Glider Program NOC Liverpool Glider Program covers the glider deployments lead by NOC_L that are not part of a sustained program.
VIMGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Virginia Institute of Marine Science Glider Program Virginia Institute of Marine Science Glider Program Glider deployment operated by VIMS with observation program.
KUGON \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Korea Underwater Glider Observing Network Korea Underwater Glider Observing Network Korea Underwater Glider Observing Network
GOMIX \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\GOMIX GOMIX GOMIX glider program lead by University of Texas
LargeLakeGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Large Lakes Observatory Glider Program Large Lakes Observatory Glider Program Large Lakes Observatory Glider Program.
CEOASGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\CEOAS glider program CEOAS glider program College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences glider program contribute to the CeNCOOS is the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System.
HurricaneGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NOAA Glider Hurricane Program NOAA Glider Hurricane Program NOAA Glider Hurricane Program aims at improving hurricane forecasting by assimilating observations from gliders situated in the passage of a a hurricane in the coastal seas of US.
WHOIGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Woods Hole Spray glider Program Woods Hole Spray glider Program Woods Hole Spray glider surveys of the Gulf Stream and other regions.
MAGIC \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Mid Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration Mid Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration Mid Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration.
ScrippsGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Scripps Glider Program Scripps Glider Program The Scripps Glider Program is part of the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS) is one of eleven regions that contributes to the national U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).
RUCOOLGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership Glider Program Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership Glider Program The Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) Glider program.
USMGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\USM Glider Program USM Glider Program USM Glider Program is part of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) is the Gulf of Mexico regional component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).
Challenger \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Challenger Challenger The Silbo Challenger mission is a partnership between industry and academia.
CYCOFOS \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System sub-regional forecasting and observing system in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin, which covers the coastal and open sea areas of Cyprus, Cilician and Lattakian basins and the Eastern Levantine Base
SOCIBGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Balearic Islands Observatory Balearic Islands Observatory SOCIB operational program is, covering the Eivissa channel (6 transects) and Mallorca channel (1 transect) from APR to MAY 2019, sampling physical and biogeochemical parmeters (CTD, fluorescence and turibity, and oxygen).
EEAGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Extended Ellett Array Extended Ellett Array The Ellett Array uses moorings, gliders and ship-based hydrography to observe the warm-water pathways of the AMOC, located in the Rockall Trough and the Hatton-Rockall Basin.
OSNAPGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) is an international program designed to provide a continuous record of the full-water column, trans-basin fluxes of heat, mass and freshwater in the subpolar North Atlantic.
AlterECOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Alter_Eco glider program Alter_Eco glider program An Alternative Framework to Assess Marine Ecosystem Functioning in Shelf Seas
FranceGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\DTINSU international DTINSU international Sustained programme of non repeated National and International deployment of the French Gliders Facility
PLOCANGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Macaronesian Marine and Maritime Observation Network Macaronesian Marine and Maritime Observation Network Repeated Gliders deployments across the Macaronesian region
ASOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Adriatic Sea Observatory Adriatic Sea Observatory Repeated section in the Adriatic water transformation region
NorwayGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NorGliders - other NorGliders - other Norwegian national facility for ocean gliders (NorGliders) is running glider missions along repeated section in outstanding sites of interest are the Svinøy Section, the Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea, the Mohn ridge, as well as the Iceland and Greenland Seas.
MARSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems UK sustained program for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
GreatLakeGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Great Lakes Observing System Glider Program Great Lakes Observing System Glider Program Great Lakes Observing System Glider Program.
AlaskaLTERGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NSF Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research NSF Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research NSF Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research.
RUCOOLColResGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\RUCOOL - Collaborative Reasearch RUCOOL - Collaborative Reasearch This project integrated a deep rated version of the Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET)-based pH sensor, the Deep ISFET pH, into a Slocum Webb G2 glider.
SOSCEX \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\SOSCEx glider program SOSCEx glider program The Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment glider program.
SCALE \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\SCALE glider program SCALE glider program Glider program operated by CSIR in the Antarctic/Southern Atlantic.
RAEONGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network Glider program Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network Glider program Canadian contribution of the great lake observation using gliders
KIOSTGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\KIOST glider program KIOST glider program Glider program operated by KIOST. Storm tracking applications.
AlseamarGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Alseamar scientific glider program Alseamar scientific glider program Open Glider program of the French Manufacturer Alseamar
LTERGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NSF Long Term Ecological Research NSF Long Term Ecological Research The Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in Antarctica.
USEPAGLGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\US EPA Great Lakes National Program US EPA Great Lakes National Program US EPA Great Lakes National Glider Program.
AOOSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\AOOS Gliders AOOS Gliders AOOS glider is the glider program of the Alaska Ocean Observing System part of IOOS program.
GOMOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Pogram - Glider Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Pogram - Glider GOMO provide and support high quality global ocean observations and research to improve our scientific understanding and inform society about the ocean's role in environmental change. GOMO glider is the glider component of GOMO.
ODYSSEAGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program ODYSSEA developed, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone. ODYSSEA program started in 2018 and finished in 2021.
UnivLasPalmasGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Univ las Palmas glider program Univ las Palmas glider program Glider program of SITMA-ULPGC
USAMLRPGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources glider program
NansenLegacyGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NorGliders - Nansen Legacy NorGliders - Nansen Legacy Nansen Legacy glider program Operated by NorGliders
SIOSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NorGliders - SIOS NorGliders - SIOS SIOS glider program operated by UiB
OVENSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NorGliders - OVENS NorGliders - OVENS OVENS glider program operated by UiB
ProVoLoGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NorGliders - ProVoLo NorGliders - ProVoLo ProVoLo glider program operated by UiB
NorEMSOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\NorGlider – NorEMSO NorGlider – NorEMSO Norvegian Glider program around EMSO sites
PolarGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Polar Glider Polar Glider Polar Gliders in a glider program within the University of Gothenburg. It is led by Sebastiaan Swart and focuses on understanding the importance and variability of the upper ocean.
VOTOGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\VOTO: Ocean Knowledge glider program VOTO: Ocean Knowledge glider program Ocean Knowledge at Voice of the Ocean glider program.
OSFSC \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-FSC OS-FSC Program monitoring the Atlantic Inflow of the Shetland Branch. Faroe-Shetland Channel
OSIceland \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-ICELAND OS-ICELAND OceanSITES operated by Iceland
OSIEO \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-IEO OS-IEO OceanSITES operated by IEO, Spain
OSKORSPilot \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-KORS Pilot OS-KORS Pilot Pilot coastal moorings by KOIST, ROK
OSMBL \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-MBL OS-MBL Moorings operated by Marine Biological Lab, USA
OSMNR \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-MNR OS-MNR OceanSITES operated by Ministry of Natural Resources, China
OSMSS \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-MSS OS-MSS Shetland-branch monitoring in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, contributing to the Greenland-Scotland Ridge Transport Mooring Array within AtlantOS and the THOR, NACLIM and Blue-Action projects.
OSNOAA \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-NOAA OS-NOAA Moorings operated generically by NOAA
OSNOAANDBC \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-NOAA/NDBC OS-NOAA/NDBC Moorings operated by NDBC
OSOCEANOR \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-OCEANOR OS-OCEANOR Moorings operated by OCEANOR, Greece
OSSAM \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-SAM OS-SAM Southwest Atlantic MOC
OSSAMSDML \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-SAMS_DML OS-SAMS_DML Moorings operated by SAMS, UK
OSUTokyo \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanSITES\OS-UTokyo OS-UTokyo cabled sites operated by Tokyo University
ASAPMPI \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\ASAP-MPI ASAP-MPI ASAP on MPI operated RVs like German RV Sonne
SOOPFVPBDC \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\SOOP-FVP-BDC SOOP-FVP-BDC SOOP-FVP-Beering Data Collective. Collaborative data collection as a service, using S/T probes on fishing equipment
SOOPFVPCatchingData \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\SOOP-FVP-Catching Data SOOP-FVP-Catching Data Collection of T/S data from fishing equipment, developed by the Fishing Vessel Industry in Netherland"
SOOPFPVRECOPESCA \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\SOOP-FVP-RECOPESCA SOOP-FVP-RECOPESCA A new example of participative approach to collect in-situ environmental and fisheries data using fisheries vessels of opportunity
SOOPFVPVistools \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\SOOP-FVP-Vistools SOOP-FVP-Vistools ILVO fishing Vessel Observation Activities
SOOPIFREMERTSG \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\SOOP-IFREMER-TSG SOOP-IFREMER-TSG T/S underway data collection program from Ifremer operated TSG and similar instruments
SOOPIRDTSG \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\SOOP-IRD-TSG SOOP-IRD-TSG T/S underway data collection program from IRD operated TSG and similar instruments
VOSDK \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\VOS-DK VOS-DK Danish VOS program
VOSTH \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\VOS-TH VOS-TH Thai VOS program
ASAPJP \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\ASAP-JP ASAP-JP Japanese ASAP program
ASAPKR \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\ASAP-KR ASAP-KR Korean ASAP program


Notation Path Name Description summary of change
VOSPL \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\VOS\VOS-PL VOS-PL Polish VOS program add description + path change
eASAP \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\E-ASAP E-ASAP Eumetnet - Automated Shipboard Aerological Program change description + path change
ASAPAWI \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\ASAP-AWI ASAP-AWI AWI ASAP program add description + path change
ASAPZA \Co-sponsored\GOOS\SOT\ASAP\ASAP-ZA ASAP-ZA South African ASAP program add description + path change

Expected Impact of Change


The inclusion of new codes in OSCAR/Surface is uncomplicated, but additional information (approval process?) are needed.

fstuerzl commented 3 years ago

Branch created: https://github.com/wmo-im/wmds/blob/issue325/tables_en/2-02.csv, view diffs https://github.com/wmo-im/wmds/compare/issue325

echarpent commented 3 years ago

No comment or concern from my perspective; suggest getting the greenlight from GOOS/OCG via Champika Gallage (cgallage@wmo.int)

champikagallage commented 3 years ago

I agree with the new content provided by OceanOPS on new programme list. It is great if this can go through the fast track process without delay. Thanks

joergklausen commented 3 years ago

reviewed and approved

amilan17 commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry - it's too late to include this amendment in FT2021-2.

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize should the notation of "jamstecMB" be all caps?

anthoninlize commented 2 years ago

@amilan17 Indeed, referring to the documentation. I updated the proposal above.

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I think I'll have a lot more questions. For example is it "Sailing and Science" or "Sailing for Science"? reference: https://public.wmo.int/en/media/news/sailing-science

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

More questions:

  1. BOMMB: Bureau of Meteorology? 
  2. I don't think we should include descriptions about the missions of these programs. A simple breakdown of the acronym or brief explanation is sufficent. e.g. (@joergklausen -- please confirm)
  3. don't include URLs in the descriptions
joergklausen commented 2 years ago
  1. I don't think we should include descriptions about the missions of these programs. A simple breakdown of the acronym or brief explanation is sufficent. e.g. (@joergklausen -- please confirm)
  2. don't include URLs in the descriptions

I am neutral on both points. Some description is useful to identify the program. Several examples are a bit too verbose for my taste, but I wouldn't be rigorous here, because these descriptions are not critical for defining a term. As to URLs, if they are stable, they might be useful to include, but they are certainly not mandatory.

joergklausen commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize Can the descriptions be shortened to 2-4 lines max (lines as displayed in the table at the top)? That would be more in line with all the rest, where the description is essentially a long name of the program mentioned.

anthoninlize commented 2 years ago

@joergklausen @amilan17 I've updated as far as I could, since I'll never have the feedback in time from my team (I just received feedback for things I asked two weeks ago).

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize - thanks.

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize what did you update? Just the proposal summary in this issue?

anthoninlize commented 2 years ago

@amilan17 yes, the table in the proposal.

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize There are two entries for OGSGlider. We cannot repeat notations. Can you please respond to this comment with the correction? 

OGSGlider\Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Adriatic Sea ObservatoryAdriatic Sea ObservatoryRepeated section in the Adriatic water transformation region
OGSGlider\Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\OGS glider programOGS glider programIstituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale glider program.
anthoninlize commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize There are two entries for OGSGlider. We cannot repeat notations. Can you please respond to this comment with the correction? 

OGSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Adriatic Sea Observatory Adriatic Sea Observatory Repeated section in the Adriatic water transformation region OGSGlider \Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\OGS glider program OGS glider program Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale glider program.

That's a mistake. Here's an updated version:

ASOGlider\Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\Adriatic Sea ObservatoryAdriatic Sea ObservatoryRepeated section in the Adriatic water transformation region
OGSGlider\Co-sponsored\GOOS\OceanGliders\OGS glider programOGS glider programIstituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale glider program.
joergklausen commented 2 years ago

I think we should avoid dashes '-' in a notation, such as in 'OOI-EnduranceGlider'. Can this (and other occurences) be renamed to 'OOIEnduranceGlider', please?

anthoninlize commented 2 years ago

Agreed, I don't know why I let this happened... I just updated the proposal above removing all the dashes '-' and underscores '_' in the notations.

amilan17 commented 2 years ago

@anthoninlize @joergklausen please take a moment to review the diff of changes


(and @amilan17)