wmo-im / wmds

WIGOS Metadata Standard: Semantic standard and code tables
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re-combine split tables #464

Open amilan17 opened 1 year ago

amilan17 commented 1 year ago


merge multiple tables into one for the following tables and change paths to tags.


Anna Milan (WMO), @amilan17

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

Table 1-01 same "notation" or "name"

Edit, 20.3.23: Column "In OSCAR?" added (@fstuerzl)

Duplicate notation

table notation in OSCAR? path/tags name
1 12016 yes (0) Atmosphere\Gas\Greenhouse Gas\CFCs\Cl3CCF3 (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane, CFC-113a) Cl3CCF3 (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane, CFC-113a)
5 12016 no terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost Rock glacier velocity
1 12244 yes (0) greenhouse gas, HCFCs C2H2ClF3 (2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane, HCFC-133a)
3 12244 yes (0) biogeochemistry, other gas N2, Ar
1 12245 yes (0) greenhouse gas, HFCs C3H2F6 (1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236fa)
3 12245 yes (0) biology, plankton Zooplankton biomass and diversity
1 12246 yes (0) radionuclide Tellurium [Te-131]
3 12246 yes (0) biogeochemistry Ocean subsurface tracers
1 12247 yes (0) radionuclide Neodymium [Nd-137]
5 12247 no hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river Stream velocity
1 12248 yes (84) particle phase, optical properties Attenuated backscatter
5 12248 no hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river Stream mean velocity
1 12249 no atmosphere,humidity Relative humidity (with respect to water)
5 12249 no hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river Stream surface velocity
1 12251 no particle phase, optical properties, atmosphere Relative attenuated backscatter
5 12251 no hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river Water surface slope

duplicate name

1 438 yes (2) \Atmosphere\Gas\Reactive Gas\VOC\C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS) C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS)
3 90 yes (0) biogeochemistry, volatile organic compound C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS)
5 725 yes (0) \Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Lake ice\Ice thickness Ice thickness
5 726 yes (1) \Terrestrial\Cryosphere\River ice\Ice thickness Ice thickness
3 406 yes (0) cryosphere, sea ice Sea-ice thickness
3 311 yes biogeochemistry, nutrients NO2- (nitrite)
1 570 yes (2) \Atmosphere\Total Atmospheric Deposition\Inorganic nitrogen species\Nitrite (NO2-) NO2- (nitrite)
3 312 yes (462) biogeochemistry, nutrients NO3- (nitrate)
1 569 yes (160) \Atmosphere\Total Atmospheric Deposition\Inorganic nitrogen species\Nitrate (NO3-) NO3- (nitrate)
1 542 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Total Atmospheric Deposition\Inorganic anions\Phosphate (PO4---) PO4--- (phosphate)
3 399 yes (0) biogeochemistry, nutrients PO4= (phosphate)
1 543 yes (127) \Atmosphere\Total Atmospheric Deposition\Inorganic anions\Sulfate (SO4=), corrected SO4= (sulfate), corrected
1 619 yes (43) \Atmosphere\Aerosol\Composition\Inorganic anions\SO4= (sulfate), corrected SO4= (sulfate), corrected
amilan17 commented 1 year ago

Table 5-02-*, same "notation" or "name"

Edit, 20.3.23: Column "In OSCAR?" added (@fstuerzl)

duplicate notation

table notation in OSCAR? path/tags name
1 343 no Atmosphere, 'Remote-sensing, active', aerosol, particle phase, particle shape Polarized lidar
1 343 no atmosphere,precipitation,in situ Fog collection
1 344 no Atmosphere, trace gases, greenhouse gas, in situ, \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Gas chromatography\GC-CVAFS GC-CVAFS
5 344 yes (73) \Terrestrial\Snow depth\Laser ranging Laser ranging
1 345 no Atmosphere, trace gases, greenhouse gas, in situ, \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Gas chromatography\GC-TCD GC-TCD
5 345 no hydrological, soil moisture, in situ Echo sounding
1 346 no Atmosphere, trace gases, in situ, \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Electrostatic collection + alpha counting Electrostatic collection + alpha counting
5 346 no hydrological, soil moisture, in situ Frequency domain reflectometry
1 347 no Atmosphere, trace gases, in situ, \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Laser-based methods\Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (TILDAS) Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectroscopy (TILDAS)
5 347 no hydrological, soil moisture, in situ Gamma-ray attenuation
1 348 no Atmosphere, trace gases, in situ, \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Radionuclide decay counting [general] Radionuclide decay counting [general]
5 348 no hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording Non-recording gauge
1 349 no Atmosphere, trace gases, in situ, \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Optical spectrometry\IR-GFC IR-GFC
5 349 no hydrological, water stage, in situ, non-recording Staff gauge

duplicate name

table notation in OSCAR? path/tags name
1 98 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Total atmospheric deposition\In situ\Denuder Denuder
1 99 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Trace gas\In situ\Denuder Denuder
1 151 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Radiation\Remote-sensing, passive\Microtops Microtops
1 152 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Humidity\Remote-sensing, passive\Microtops Microtops
1 153 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Ozone\Remote-sensing, passive\Microtops Microtops
1 155 yes (2) \Atmosphere\Humidity\Remote-sensing, passive\Microwave radiometry Microwave radiometry
1 156 yes (2) \Atmosphere\Ozone\Remote-sensing, passive\Microwave radiometry Microwave radiometry
1 336 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Trace gas\Remote-sensing, passive\Microwave radiometry Microwave radiometry
1 181 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Humidity\Remote-sensing, active\Radio acoustic sounding system (RASS) Radio acoustic sounding system (RASS)
1 182 yes (0) \Atmosphere\Temperature\Remote-sensing, active\Radio acoustic sounding system (RASS) Radio acoustic sounding system (RASS)


1 inapplicable yes inapplicable
5 inapplicable yes inapplicable
1 unknown yes unknown
5 unknown yes unknown
amilan17 commented 1 year ago

Changing paths to tags

Currently there are three types of tags in use: Domain, Matrix and uncontrolled values. It will take some effort to map the paths to Domains and Matrix codes. I think we should also re-consider the implementation of "uncontrolled" values/tags. It could be beneficial to have these tags normalized and consistent. The new 1-01 and 5-02 tables should have distinct columns for each type of tag.

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.03.02-TT-WIGOSMD notes: (Joerg) the I-Adopt concept addresses the ability to use domain, matrix and tags in the standard. (Franziska) it's difficult for OSCAR to have different codes with the same notation (Gao) combining the table number with the notation number will keep them unique and adding zeros to ensure that the numbers are the same length (Franziska) if a variable is in use operationally, we should keep it and change the other one instead (Dave) Do we know how many downstream users of the metadata? This could have a huge impact on them (Joerg) combined tables would be introduced with a new version of WMDR2. We should continue developing existing tables as is, w/ the new approach being released in version 2. OSCAR/Surface should be able to handle existing version and new version. This would minimize something that would break. (Gao) mapping might not work, because there could be one to many mapping (Lara) versioning will be a key point. (Joerg) new OSCAR will work with new notations that's a combination of name, domain, matrix, tag (Anna) we might be able to target INFCOM-3 (maybe in spring 2024) to propose the release of a WMDR2

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

example of vocabulary with property of interest: https://vocabulary.actris.nilu.no/skosmos/actris_vocab/en/page/variablepropertyofinterest

gaochen-larc commented 1 year ago

Proposed changes to Tabel 1-01 same "name" with different "notation" cases: 438: "C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS)" ==> "C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS), GAS" 725: "Ice thickness" ==> "Ice thickness, Lake", need description 726: "Ice thickness" ==> "Ice thickness, River", need description 312: "NO2- (nitrite)" ==> "NO3- (nitrite), Sea Water" 569: "NO2- (nitrite)" ==> "NO3- (nitrite), TDP", TDP = total deposition 312: "NO3- (nitrate)" ==> "NO3- (nitrate), Sea Water" 569: "NO3- (nitrate)" ==> "NO3- (nitrate), TDP", TDP = total deposition 399: "PO4= (phosphate)" ==> "PO4= (phosphate), Sea Water" 542: "PO4= (phosphate)" ==> "PO4= (phosphate), TDP", TDP = total deposition 543: "SO4= (sulfate), corrected" ==> "SO4= (sulfate), corrected, TDP", TDP = total deposition 543: "SO4= (sulfate), corrected" ==> "SO4= (sulfate), corrected, TSP"

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023-03-17-TT-WIGOSMD notes: Gao and Joerg met last week to discuss and would like to see the re-alignment follow the I-Adopt concepts. There should also be alignment with CF standard names and other vocabularies;

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

I created a new issue for de-duplication of notations. I think it should be considered a seperate deliverable.