wmorgan / whistlepig

A minimalist realtime full-text search index
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building on mac complains about D_ANSI_SOURCE with snprintf #7

Open wmorgan opened 12 years ago

wmorgan commented 12 years ago

A user reports:

Connor Lane Smith ‏ @lubutu: @wm checking out whistlepig, and i had to remove -D_ANSI_SOURCE from CFLAGS to get it to build on a mac, else it whines about snprintf. jfyi

shriphani commented 11 years ago


This is how I managed to compile on OS X 10.8.4 (1.8GHz i5 processor). I had to make the following changes: https://github.com/shriphani/whistlepig/compare/osx_compile

This is the output of running make test:

LEX tokenizer.lex
flex tokenizer.lex
CC test-segment.c
CC test-segment_main.c
CC segment.c
CC termhash.c
CC stringmap.c
CC error.c
CC query.c
CC search.c
CC stringpool.c
CC mmap-obj.c
YACC query-parser.y
bison query-parser.y
CC query-parser.c
CC index.c
CC entry.c
CC lock.c
CC snippeter.c
CC (ignore warnings) tokenizer.lex.c
LEX query-parser.lex
flex query-parser.lex
CC (ignore warnings) query-parser.lex.c
CC query-parser.tab.c
LINK test-segment
CC test-stringmap.c
MAGIC test-stringmap.c
CC test-stringmap_main.c
LINK test-stringmap
CC test-stringpool.c
CC test-stringpool_main.c
LINK test-stringpool
CC test-termhash.c
CC test-termhash_main.c
LINK test-termhash
CC test-search.c
CC test-search_main.c
LINK test-search
CC test-labels.c
CC test-labels_main.c
LINK test-labels
CC test-tokenizer.c
CC test-tokenizer_main.c
LINK test-tokenizer
CC test-queries.c
CC test-queries_main.c
LINK test-queries
CC test-snippets.c
MAGIC test-snippets.c
CC test-snippets_main.c
LINK test-snippets
PASS 2/2 initial_state
PASS 2/2 adding_a_doc_increments_counts
PASS 5/5 simple_term_queries
PASS 5/5 simple_conjunctive_queries
PASS 8/8 simple_phrasal_queries
PASS 8/8 segment_conjuction_of_phrase_queries
PASS 32/32 negation_queries
7 tests, 62 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 2/2 stringmap_initial_state
PASS 3/3 stringmap_lookups_on_empty
PASS 4/4 stringmap_multiple_adds
PASS 4/4 stringmap_hashing_is_preserved
PASS 1/1 stringmap_detects_out_of_room
5 tests, 14 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 1/1 stringpool_initial_state
PASS 3/3 stringpool_add_gives_unique_ids
PASS 2/2 stringpool_add_gives_ids_that_lookup_returns
PASS 342/342 stringpool_detects_out_of_room
4 tests, 348 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 1/1 termhash_initial_state
PASS 3/3 termhash_lookups_on_empty
PASS 5/5 termhash_overwriting
PASS 1/1 termhash_many_puts
PASS 1/1 termhash_detects_out_of_room
5 tests, 11 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 8/8 conjunctions
PASS 16/16 disjunctions
PASS 13/13 phrases
PASS 15/15 combinations
PASS 10/10 resumability
PASS 2/2 phrases_against_multiple_matches_in_doc
PASS 4/4 queries_against_an_empty_index
PASS 12/12 fielded_queries
PASS 3/3 utf8_chars
PASS 13/13 every_selector
10 tests, 96 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 11/11 added_labels_appear_in_search
PASS 4/4 removing_labels_disappear_from_search
PASS 14/14 adding_and_removing_labels_are_reflected_in_search
3 tests, 29 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 1/1 empty_queries
PASS 8/8 query_parsing
PASS 4/4 query_cloning
PASS 6/6 query_substitution
4 tests, 19 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
PASS 1/1 empty_queries
PASS 3/3 terms
PASS 9/9 conjuctions
PASS 9/9 disjunctions
PASS 3/3 phrases
PASS 1/1 negations
PASS 3/3 conjunctions_with_negations
7 tests, 29 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
rm test-stringmap_main.c test-snippets_main.c test-snippets_main.o test-stringmap_main.o