wmurch / assignments

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week 07 - day 04 - EF and Koans #31

Closed mdewey closed 5 years ago

mdewey commented 5 years ago

ORM Safari!

We are taking a surprise trip to the Savannah for a safari to see all sorts of exotic animals. During our time on safari, we want to keep track of all the animals we have seen. For this, we need to create a database, as well as a small console application to help record what we see.



Additional Reading

NOTE: The Additional Resources section below is very helpful. Consider reading this after reading Explorer mode. Then make a plan for the assignment for digging in and writing code.

Explorer Mode - Part 1

Explorer Mode - part 2

Adventure Mode

Epic Mode

Additional Resources


Here are the interesting commands you will need for tonight's assignment

 dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design 

 dotnet add package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
createdb <<DatabaseName>>
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "server=localhost;database=<<DatabaseName>>" Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -c <<DatabaseName>>Context
 dotnet ef migrations add AddBaordGameTable
dotnet ef database update
wmurch commented 5 years ago


wmurch commented 5 years ago


mdewey commented 5 years ago

Your homework was marked: Meets Expectations

Well done!

“Well done!” — via Gavin Stark