wmww / gtk4-layer-shell

A library to create panels and other desktop components for Wayland using the Layer Shell protocol and GTK4
MIT License
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Arch users: extra meson attribute is needed #40

Open kooskaspers opened 1 month ago

kooskaspers commented 1 month ago

The --prefix=/usr command-line flag must always be passed to meson setup because Arch Linux packages must not install files to /usr/local. For me this was the reason I couldn't compile and install it from source.

For arch users, the following should work:

meson setup --wipe --prefix=/usr -Dexamples=true -Ddocs=true -Dtests=true build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
sudo ldconfig

Now test with:


Now you should be lucky.

zefr0x commented 1 week ago

In arch you should use arch-meson to setup the build for packaging, not meson.

just carefully read the wiki before writing any package for arch

a lot of packagers in arch fall into this problem with meson