wnielson / Plex-Remote-Transcoder

A distributed transcoding backend for Plex
MIT License
640 stars 59 forks source link

Transcoder Target CPU or GPU #57

Open kyse opened 7 years ago

kyse commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to write a quick note to throw this thought out. I was playing around with gpu transcoding after reading this article (http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/01/04/faster-h-265hevc-video-encoding-with-nvidia-gtx960-gpu-and-ffmpeg/). Problem is, even though I got it up and running with ffmpeg, apparently there's no way to get it working with Plex as (I believe) they have their own proprietary transcoder? Was wondering if it would be possible to use this library to target the transcoding job to use the ffmpeg instance setup with the GPU. Would be pretty dope to be able to throw an old quaddro (or even a newer one with h265 encoding support) and this library on a old CPU that doesn't really have enough processing power itself to do the trick.