wnielson / sencha-ListActions

A list plugin that makes it easy to apply actions to list items in bulk. The behavior is modelled after the iOS mail application's "edit" functionality.
MIT License
9 stars 3 forks source link

Error when running sample #1

Closed nickr00 closed 11 years ago

nickr00 commented 11 years ago

First off, this is an excellent plugin. Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im having an issue when trying to run a sample:

"Uncaught TypeError: Property 'selector' of object # is not a function "

Here is the code im trying to run (i might be missing something):

Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyTabPanel', { extend: 'Ext.List',

config: {
    fullscreen: true,
    itemTpl: '{title}',
       data: [
           { title: 'Item 1' },
           { title: 'Item 2' },
           { title: 'Item 3' },
           { title: 'Item 4' }
       items: [{
           xtype: 'toolbar',
           docked: 'top',
           items: [{
               xtype: 'button',
               name: 'listactions'
        plugins: [{
           xclass: 'Ext.ux.plugin.ListActions',
           // This toolbar appears at the bottom of the list when in
           // "action" mode
           actionsToolbar: {
               items: [{
                   text: 'Delete (0)',
                   ui: 'decline',
                   eventName: 'delete'
                   text: 'Move (0)',
                   eventName: 'move'
                   text: 'Mark (0)',
                   eventName: 'mark'
           // This is an optional configuration value for controlling the
           // button that toggles "action" mode
           actionToggleButton: {
               // The button defined above is a child component of
               // the associated @{link Ext.List}, so it will be retreived
               // via a call like `list.down(button[name="listactions"])`.
               // Alternatively, this can be a function that accepts the
               // @{link Ext.List} as the only argument and returns the
               // @{link Ext.Button} to used for toggling the mode of the list.
               selector: 'button[name="listactions"]',

               // This text will be set on the button retreived from
               // `selector` above.
               enableText: 'select',
               disableText: 'cancel' // This is the default



Odi55555 commented 11 years ago

I have the same problem... :-(

wnielson commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the reports, The issue has been fixed.