wnyc / Timeline

A beautiful vertical timeline made with Tabletop.js, Isotope.js & Handerlbarz.js. A collaboration between Balance Media and WNYC/John Keefe.
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Live demo no longer works, is this to do with the API updates by Google? #13

Open bradleywest92 opened 9 years ago

bradleywest92 commented 9 years ago


Your live demo no longer appears to work or the files themselves once downloaded and placed on my server, I'm thinking this is linked to the Google API updates recently? but no clue on how to resolve this!

Kind regards, Bradley

saurabhjuneja commented 7 years ago

Two changes made it work 1) index.html, change line number 51 from: To: 2) In tabletop.js, change line number 173 from: var json_url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/" + this.key + "/" + sheet_id + "/public/values?alt=json-in-script"; To: var json_url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/" + this.key + "/1/public/values?alt=json-in-script";

kafisher9 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the headsup Saura!

kafisher9 commented 7 years ago

One step missing in the instructions (in case anyone hits the issue) If your timeline html doesn't produce a timeline, make sure you've "published" the document on google drive, I used the ods format option. Now works perfectly!

ugurozturk commented 6 years ago

http://builtbybalance.com/github-timeline/ doesn't work