<justJanne> you always send an initrequest for the bufferviewconfig with name "0" and break if that doesn’t exist
<justJanne> but the ids are chosen by creation, if a user deletes the first bufferviewconfig, and creates a new one, this won’t work anymore
<justJanne> you’ll need to have code to properly support multiple bufferviewconfigs
In Quasseldroid we use the BufferViewManager to determine which chat lists exist, and show a dropdown to select the chat list the user wants to use at the current time:
Reported several times.
@justJanne proposes this is probably because of https://github.com/woboq/iquassel/blob/6920ec29eff6ce71d439cfcda240e70ff0705b5d/quassel-for-ios/quassel-for-ios/QuasselCoreConnection.m#L478