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Stock module is broken #192

Open LinuxMercedes opened 6 years ago

LinuxMercedes commented 6 years ago

RIP, google finance API.

https://www.npmjs.com/package/yahoo-stocks looks like a solid choice but lacks the ability to select stock exchange. It's not clear that that feature was ever really used anyway...

LinuxMercedes commented 6 years ago

Example API output:

{ symbol: 'AMD',
  name: 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.',
  exchange: 'NYSE',
  currentPrice: 10.91,
  highPrice: 27,
  lowPrice: 7,
  meanPrice: 14.64,
  medianPrice: 14 }
sashae commented 6 years ago

@LinuxMercedes the IEX API is actually quite easy to work with as well -- I've futzed with it a bit and think it could be a good substitute for stockscraper... I believe the Yahoo API is considered to be unstable/unsupported.


LinuxMercedes commented 6 years ago

Nice, there's even an npm package for that already:


sashae commented 6 years ago

@LinuxMercedes I was a little suspicious of the newness/inactivity of that package and was hitting IEX's API directly, but you might be better able to adjudge the situation ;)