wobsoriano / lexical-vue

An extensible Vue 3 web text-editor based on Lexical.
MIT License
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Can't get an instance of editor with useEditor() in Nuxt 3 #30

Open ynechaev opened 8 months ago

ynechaev commented 8 months ago

I am exposing lexical-vue with the following plugin:

// plugins/lexical.client.ts

import {
} from 'lexical-vue'

export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {

  nuxtApp.vueApp.component('LexicalComposer', LexicalComposer)
  nuxtApp.vueApp.component('LexicalContentEditable', LexicalContentEditable)
  nuxtApp.vueApp.component('LexicalPlainTextPlugin', LexicalPlainTextPlugin)

  return {
    provide: {


So inside the component when I try using it as following:

      <LexicalComposer :initial-config="config">
          <template #contentEditable>
            <LexicalContentEditable />
          <template #placeholder>
              What do you want to write about today?

<script setup>
const {
  $useEditor: useEditor,
} = useNuxtApp()

const config = {
  editable: true,
  theme: { },
  onError(error) {

const editor = useEditor()

// Two-way binding
const content = ref('')


I get an error: useEditor is not a function and trace shows <LexicalComposer /> is required error message (which is a bit misleading, because it throws when editor in underlying function is null

yohames commented 5 months ago

Have you figured out a way to implement it in Nuxt 3?