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improve run-escape-variants.sh help #26

Closed johnbradley closed 3 years ago

johnbradley commented 3 years ago

Fixes indenting and outdated messaging in run-escape-variants.sh help. This is what the command line help looks like now:

usage: ./run-escape-variants.sh -g genome -i inputdir [-o outdir] [-w workdir] [-l logdir] [-e email] [-s] [-d]
-g genome    *.fasta genome to use - required
-i inputdir  directory containing *.fastq.gz files to process - required
-o outdir    directory to hold output files - defaults to current directory
-w workdir   directory that will hold a tempdir - defaults to current directory
-l logdir    directory that will hold sbatch logs - defaults to /logs within outdir
-e email     email address to notify on pipeline completion - defaults to empty(no email sent)
-s           runs surveillance mode - default is run experimental mode
-d           debug mode - skips deleting the tempdir

NOTE: The input genome must first be indexed by running ./setup-variants-pipeline.sh.
NOTE: The inputdir, outdir, logdir, and workdir must be directories shared across the slurm cluster.

Fixes #24