wodanaz / Assembling_viruses

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Better handle one time steps #3

Closed johnbradley closed 3 years ago

johnbradley commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in comment https://github.com/wodanaz/Assembling_viruses/pull/1#issuecomment-774093979 some steps only need to be run once. In this case the reference genome only needs to be indexed once. Currently we index the genome every time.

johnbradley commented 3 years ago

I think the 5. Create a dictionary file for using picard tools step in Escape_Variants.md is also a one time step. The picard CreateSequenceDictionary fails if run more than once with an error like:

...MT246667.dict already exists.  Delete this file and try again, or specify a different output file.
wodanaz commented 3 years ago

Yes @johnbradley, this step should be run only once. It shows an error if the dict file is already there.

johnbradley commented 3 years ago

To fix this I was thinking about adding another top level script and moving all the one-time steps there. Something like:


This would consist of the two one-time steps from Escape_Variants.md.

@wodanaz How does that sound?

wodanaz commented 3 years ago

I like the sound of this