I read great feedback on newest architecture NGINX Unit.
For example this article (little bit outdated) shows results that nginx unit-php is almost 10x faster than nginx + php-fpm and more stable under stress test.
Nginx unit is also open source and has already a Drupal profile.
I read great feedback on newest architecture NGINX Unit. For example this article (little bit outdated) shows results that nginx unit-php is almost 10x faster than nginx + php-fpm and more stable under stress test. https://habr.com/en/articles/646397/
Nginx unit is also open source and has already a Drupal profile.
It looks like some members of Drupal community are already using it https://github.com/el7cosmos/nginx-unit-drupal
The official repo of unit https://github.com/nginx/unit
Was there any consideration to support it with wodby stack ?