wodby / varnish

Varnish docker container image
MIT License
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Varnish: Adjust preset.vcl include order. #7

Closed davidwhthomas closed 5 years ago

davidwhthomas commented 5 years ago

Firstly, thanks for the excellent work on this set of Docker images and related configuration! Great stuff.

Anyway, I'd like to submit a patch to fix an issue that happens when using Varnish with Drupal private files (system/files)

Because preset.vcl is included after static.vcl in the default template, then the vcl_recv will strip the cookies from the private file request, e.g https://example.com/system/files/sample.csv

sub vcl_recv {
    if (req.url ~ "(?i)\.({{ $static_files }})(\?.*)?$") {
        unset req.http.Cookie;

The cookies are required to authenticate the private file download request for Drupal.

This patch simply adjusts the ordering, to allow the preset.vcl to override static.vcl in vcl_recv for the system/files path, to return the pass there

Please check sometime and apply if suitable, thanks again.