wodeni / obsidian-penrose-plugin

A plugin for Obsidian that allows you to make diagrams with Penrose (https://penrose.cs.cmu.edu/).
MIT License
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Add Alias Management to Plugin Settings #5

Open adityakanu opened 4 months ago

adityakanu commented 4 months ago


Our plugin currently doesn't have an easy way for users to handle various Domain and Style configurations. This makes it tough for users to add or edit Domains and Styles without making the code block cluttered. Adding the configurations to a vault file can be frustrating, especially for folks who aren't tech-savvy.


Let's make it simple! We want to create aliases for different Domain and Style configurations and a user-friendly section in the Obsidian settings where users can:

Proposed Features:

  1. Show a list of existing aliases with buttons to edit or delete them.
  2. Add boxes where users can type in a new alias name, domain, and style.
  3. Based on Metadata(alias name) from the code block map the respective domain and style configuration to the Trio.

Expected Result:

With this update, our plugin will be way easier to use! Users won't have to mess around with confusing config files or cluttered code blocks anymore. Everything they need to manage their aliases will be in Obsidian settings, making life simpler for everyone. Those with more experience with Penrose can write templates(domain and style) and newbies can just copy them to their aliases.

adityakanu commented 4 months ago

I have come up with a basic UI


@wodeni I am still facing the earlier error, will discuss it on Discord later. Meanwhile have a look at the current state of the issue: https://github.com/wodeni/obsidian-penrose-plugin/compare/main...adityakanu:obsidian-penrose-plugin:main