woefe / ShoppingList

A simple shopping list for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
73 stars 23 forks source link

shopping list is reset after using filechooser to select storage directory #74

Open abstractionmage opened 3 years ago

abstractionmage commented 3 years ago

Up until this day I used ShoppingList without setting up a ShoppingList text file, and only now decided to give this feature a try. However, after granting ShoppingList permission to read and write files from and to my device and selecting one of the recommended file paths for shopping lists, namely /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.woefe.shoppinglist/files/Documents, all entries I previously added to my shopping list were cleared and nowhere to be found.

EDIT: The lost shopping list can be restored by either reinstalling the app or selecting /data/user/0/com.woefe.shoppinglist/files/ShoppingLists as the storage directory using the built-in filechooser.

Maybe there could be a way for the app to more directly inform the user about this behavior?