woefe / ytcc

Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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filtering ? #93

Closed humanitiesNerd closed 3 years ago

humanitiesNerd commented 3 years ago

It's june 2021 and I just installed version 2.0 with pipx

I subscribed to a bunch of channels and I'd like to be able to filter the list of videos

For example, I'd like to see the videos from one channel only

I remember this was possible in version 1.x

How do I do that now ?


EmRowlands commented 3 years ago

You can use a bunch of different filtering arguments with the list, tui and ls subcommands. Here is an extract from the man page:

       -a, --attributes COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES Attributes of videos to be included in the output. Some of [id, url, title, description, publish_date, watched, duration, extractor_hash, playlists].
       -c, --tags COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES Listed videos must be tagged with one of the given tags.
       -s, --since [%Y-%m-%d] Listed videos must be published after the given date.
       -t, --till [%Y-%m-%d] Listed videos must be published before the given date.
       -p, --playlists COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES Listed videos must be in on of the given playlists.
       -i, --ids COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES Listed videos must have the given IDs.
       -w, --watched Only watched videos are listed.
       -u, --unwatched Only unwatched videos are listed.
       -o, --order-by <CHOICE CHOICE>...  Set the column and direction to sort listed videos.
humanitiesNerd commented 3 years ago

ah I haven't found the man page, sorry

May I ask you where is it ?

EmRowlands commented 3 years ago

man 1 ytcc

humanitiesNerd commented 3 years ago



I installed with pipx (in order to have a recent version) and man isn't available

I didn't even find it in this repo ¯_(ツ)_/¯

humanitiesNerd commented 3 years ago

ah it's

