wohahobg / pterosync

PteroSync new WHMCS Pterodactyl Module
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Control bouton for user is not working #4

Closed verticalhost closed 7 months ago

verticalhost commented 7 months ago

Hi , After couple test i just want to tell you the bouton under user is not working. We c'ant even start stop from whmcs customer panel. image

wohahobg commented 7 months ago


Look like you have not setup the Client API KEY.

In order those buttons to work you have to give Admin Client Api Key. https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a6d60c6e4b13ba370d119620207df4390db51cd9baad2290cb323e96a3770c4c/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e67616d65636d732e6f72672f706c6174666f726d2f77686d63732d636f6e6e656374696f6e2e706e67

Also please note if the server is not full installed it won't allow you to press the buttons .

verticalhost commented 7 months ago

You have right it was missspell somewhere