wojodesign / simplecart-js

A simple javascript shopping cart that easily integrates with your current website.
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HTML Classes #245

Closed m477r33d closed 12 years ago

m477r33d commented 12 years ago

Hello, can you please update/add documentation for native HTML classes?

For example: "http://simplecartjs.org/features/" shows that a class of "simpleCart_finalTotal" should display total of the cart after tax & shipping, but it seems that "simpleCart_grandTotal" does this. Likewise "simpleCart_taxCost" should show taxRate X total displayed as currency, but it seems that "simpleCart_tax" does this.

Is there a definite list of HTML classes? (this native functionality is preferred to using custom JS).

Thanks! Matt

brettwejrowski commented 12 years ago

Thanks Matt, I updated the classes on the features page. I will add a page to the documentation that will have a full list of the outputs.

m477r33d commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the quick update, Brett. Looking forward to seeing a page on this - will be most helpful.

brettwejrowski commented 12 years ago

hey Matt, it took me longer than I would've liked to get around to it, but: http://simplecartjs.org/documentation/displaying_cart_data
