wojodesign / simplecart-js

A simple javascript shopping cart that easily integrates with your current website.
1.79k stars 492 forks source link

Is this an active project? #516

Open MGA555 opened 8 years ago

MGA555 commented 8 years ago

There does not seem to be much activity here. Is there an active user community somewhere? Any improvements in the works?

The website simplecarjs.org has a number of broken features:

The demo does not work.

Clicking the browse features does nothing.

Clicking to watch the video returns a silhouette of Steve and no video.

I'd like to work with this platform, but these problems make me wary of expending any time on it.

thanks for responding

georgesuba commented 8 years ago

Hi, yes it is very much active. In fact I am considering to re-write .org website if I would found who is behind it so I know if server support some flat file cms like wordpress (without mysql). Or perhaps I will host it my self.. documentation could stay as it is as nothing much changed there, but I agree that working demo could be nice, but if you just grab repo and play with it you will asap see how it works.

If you still want to see script in action before you give a try, I have small video of my own shop development which I will be pushing out this or next weekend. On this video for example I am using basic bootstrap but it could be applied to any bootstrap or any html code. I am not using quantity field as I will use this mini shop for services. - cart just works

simplecartjs in action - video

misbach commented 8 years ago

This project has clearly gone dark. It's too bad because it's such a good shopping cart, I've been using it for a couple years. @iamstevemckinney seems to have stopped coding anything on github :-(

matteopolleschi commented 8 years ago

Indeed it would be great to make it live again - it seems a good project

x5tuts commented 8 years ago

I am willing to bring this back to life if users are willing to contribute to its development. Let me know if this is of interest to anyone and I will start on a new website for this project.

georgesuba commented 8 years ago

@x5tuts I already offered new site, even emailed to wojo folks about it, even offered to host the site for free but - no reply from anyone..

x5tuts commented 8 years ago

@georgesuba I understand your frustration that's why I'm taking it upon my self to take this project on as nothing has been done in quite a while, if your interested in helping out shoot me an email at info@x5tuts.com and we'll talk some more.

jasonbartholme commented 8 years ago

I hope this project stays active because I use SImpleCart on my main web site and I am looking do to redesign later this year.

iamstevemckinney commented 8 years ago

Sorry for chiming in late here.

We've been working on a new version here at wojo design for a bit now, but as we're a client facing agency with employees to support and families to feed its just a bit slow going. With that in mind we're hoping the next release will also bring with it our plans to help monetize simpleCart in order to ensure it's sustainable to maintain and keep the open source shopping cart always free and open source.

Some of the main changes that we've made for v4 is

With that in mind, what are all of you looking for in simpleCart that wasn't already achieved with the previous iteration that reviving the project would solve? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how to make v4 even better!

georgesuba commented 8 years ago

@iamstevemckinney hi, that is completely understandable and to be honest with you, current v3 works for me perfectly. What I wanted to do is to re-do demo site and documentation site. Current demo site is broken and docs are good but could be written a bit better ;) - I would gladly do that


iamstevemckinney commented 8 years ago

I have been working a bit on rewriting the docs in jekyll for a github pages copy. I hope to open source the docs as well and would certainly love help writing them for the new v4. Hopefully next week I can get a copy of it up here on github.

jasonbartholme commented 8 years ago

@iamstevemckinney I'm glad you guys are moving forward with the project. My personal feature request would be to have a way to offer promo codes, preferably percentage off of cart total or a flat dollar amount off. Thanks!

x5tuts commented 8 years ago

@iamstevemckinney would you be able to email me at info@x5tuts.com we would like to help in the development of the simplecart.js if possible, we also have some ideas we would like to share with you. Thanks

season90 commented 8 years ago

@iamstevemckinney I have been following and using this project for a few years. I appreciate your update. I would love to see Stripe integration out of the box. Another member worked on something but I wasn't able to get it to work.

adamseoul commented 8 years ago

Great, there is a real need for a good open source JS cart. Will be using this and integrating stripe, hopefully I can help out. Will there be a V4 on GitHub soon? I'm thinking it would be just as much work to get going with Stripe and then move to a new version.. Would rather do what I can with the V4 one, was going to build something just suiting my needs before finding this.

okridgway commented 8 years ago

@iamstevemckinney I know for me the biggest frustration is a lack of payment options and inability to track merchandise inventory. Ideally, my customers would be able to choose which platform they would like to check out with, instead of being forced to check out with the one option I set up. Moreover, I seem to keep running into the issue of security and how to implement third party applications such as PayPal Checkout Express without exposing API info. While the solution to this may already exist (besides HTTPS, which in my case is not an option) I have yet to find it.

Other ideas that may or may not be of interest to others include: ability to track orders/dynamically give each purchase an order number ability for customers to write reviews basic framework to set up notifications when an item has been added to the cart descriptions on items ability to send descriptions to PayPal framework for a dashboard to keep track of inventory? individual item pages/sections when the item is selected partnering with square or google merchants tips for ways to strengthen security ability to search the store ability to reorganize the store listing

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means a professional coder so I would like to apologize in advance if any of these ideas are 'easy' or outside the scope of simplecart. Personally, I love the bare bones aspect of simplecart and think it could be even better with a few more capabilities.

adamseoul commented 8 years ago

I am considering going for snipcart, I like the idea of a pure JS cart, but snipcart is 2% on top of gateway fees for all orders including paid by money transfer or invoiced orders, its not feasible at all for low margin goods. Have another client right now that I will setup with woocommerce migrating their HTML5 site to wordpress puke.

georgesuba commented 8 years ago

Guys nothing against any ideas but if new thing - it should be useful right?

@okridgway that is overkill. Point of simplecartjs is zero maintenance, no databases, ultrafast interface, easy to code css for it - easy implementation of shop onto your site and I think you have missed that. Simplecartjs can deploy eshop on your site in less then 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against your ideas, but perhaps you better go with prestashop?

...have you actually been using simplecartjs somewhere by any chance? I think if you did you would know what it is about. Regards paypal api - you exposing only your paypal email or paypal ID - not whole api which is nothing to worry about.

Personally guys I think v3 is just fine, all it needs is proper docs and perhaps for some curious users working demo. I agree that stripe option could be some how useful but that is all.

meekens commented 8 years ago

I have been following this thread since early May. Looked hopeful that there was to be some movement to bring the project back to life but nothing further for a month. I stopped working to get v3 going for my own use with all the talk about a v4. I thought I saw a comment that said updates were ready and files would be posted that weekend and then.....nothing.

If anyone actually does take the lead on this I would be happy to help. I can make the time. My skill set probably isn't where it needs to be for this but I am willing. Lets go!

mrsamse commented 7 years ago

Any news on v4 release?

rbwilkinson commented 7 years ago

I am very keen to help with this project. Should we consider forking? My JS is far from strong but I am sure that we can improve the system and integrate a very light and useful backend with php and/or python. robert@otgb.net

88kbbq commented 7 years ago

How about Stripe payment option?

dangayle commented 7 years ago

@iamstevemckinney Please continue updating this. It's so perfectly simple.

okridgway commented 6 years ago

Hi @iamstevemckinney, if you're not too busy would you upload what you have of version four? That way, those who are interested in maintaining it can fork it if they want.

mrsamse commented 4 years ago

2020 and stll counting :-D

adamseoul commented 4 years ago

LOL yes it better be good!

falbani commented 3 years ago

Indeed this is a really good project, a simple blazing fast front end e-commerce great for connecting to a complex backend. But is has been 7 years dead is over.

apokaliptis commented 3 years ago

It's a bummer that v4 never got released. Is there any good forks or similar projects that anybody here has found?