wojtekmach / acme_bank

An example ☂ project
MIT License
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SSL not available #17

Open Secasp opened 6 years ago

Secasp commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm new with Elixir based apps and following your steps, the next error was shown when I tried to run the migrations with ecto.setup:

18:35:48.949 [error] Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.415.0>) failed to connect: ** (Postgrex.Error) ssl not available

I've tried upgrading and recompiling all the libraries, incluiding the postgrex, I removed the SSL parameter located in the Auth configuration. It is something that I`m missing?

Thank you.

wojtekmach commented 6 years ago

What OS do you use? Seems like your Erlang installation hasnt been compiled with ssl so I’d start there, even though its not needed for this particular project it will be helpful elsewhere.

I can recommend https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir and Erlang plugin from that project, it worked flawlessly on OSX and Linux for me; they have instructions how to install on different OSes.

Secasp commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the quick answer, I used two different docker images to build the app. Ubuntu 16.04 and the other is an Elixir image that I got form docker-hub, and the Elixir version that I'm using is 1.6.5.

wojtekmach commented 6 years ago

are you using official docker image for elixir? I can check it after the weekend, in the meantime I'd recommend to find help elsewhere: elixirforum, slack, irc. Also, check if you can run a simple phoenix app (created with mix phx.new), or if it's indeed a problem with acme_bank.