Open nmaddp1995 opened 4 months ago
Hello i managed to fix this issue, by adding a custom vite plugin to copy the pdf-worker in the dist folder:
// custom plugin to copy pdf worker
const copyPdfWorkerPlugin = (): Plugin => ({
name: 'copy-pdf-worker',
apply: 'build',
configResolved(config) {
const pdfjsDistPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json'));
const pdfWorkerPath = path.join(pdfjsDistPath, 'build', 'pdf.worker.mjs');
fs.cpSync(pdfWorkerPath, './dist/pdf.worker.mjs', { recursive: true });
// then add it to your plugins list
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [copyPdfWorkerPlugin()],
If you are using a nginx in production, the problem came probably from your nginx config, because is not serving the .mjs files.
The solution is to update your nginx config to serve them as a javascript files, to do so, this an example:
http {
# Includes mapping of file name extensions to MIME types of responses
# and defines the default type.
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
# maps the js and mjs file extensions to the application/javascript MIME type.
types {
application/javascript js mjs;
default_type application/octet-stream;
If you are using a nginx in production, the problem came probably from your nginx config, because is not serving the .mjs files.
The solution is to update your nginx config to serve them as a javascript files, to do so, this an example:
http { # Includes mapping of file name extensions to MIME types of responses # and defines the default type. include /etc/nginx/mime.types; # maps the js and mjs file extensions to the application/javascript MIME type. types { application/javascript js mjs; } default_type application/octet-stream; }
Thank you, this helped, had to add mjs to all nginx proxies
This did not work for me:
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL(
I got it to work by placing pdf.worker.min.mjs in the public folder of my web app
Added to main.tsx
import { pdfjs } from "react-pdf";
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = "/pdf.worker.min.mjs";
I am using projen, so this is my configuration. In .projenrc.ts, I added:
// Add "prebuild" script settings to package.json
const pdfjs_dist = webapp.addTask("prebuild", {
description: "For React-PDF [wojtekmaj/react-pdf] to work",
exec: `cp ${path.relative(webapp.outdir, path.join(require.resolve("pdfjs-dist"), "..", "pdf.worker.min.mjs"))} public/pdf.worker.min.mjs`,
receiveArgs: true,
// automatically run "prebuild" script when web-app:build gets called via "npx nx run web-app:build --skip-nx-cache"
// Add settings to .npmrc - enables pnpm pre-post scripts to automatically run via "pnpm build"
project.npmrc.addConfig("enable-pre-post-scripts", "true");
Any update ?
I am facing this issue also, and followed steps but it did not work, and my nginx.conf
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
types {
application/javascript js mjs;
default_type application/octet-stream;
server {
gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";
gzip_vary on;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 16 8k;
gzip_min_length 256;
Anyone have another idea?
I am facing this issue also, and followed steps but it did not work, and my
file:http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; types { application/javascript js mjs; } default_type application/octet-stream; server { gzip on; gzip_disable "msie6"; gzip_vary on; gzip_proxied any; gzip_comp_level 6; gzip_buffers 16 8k; gzip_min_length 256; gzip_types text/plain text/css text/js text/xml text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/xml application/rss+xml image/svg+xml; ... } }
Anyone have another idea?
I edited mime.types file in nginx config ( yours is in /etc/nginx/mime.types
replaced js line with this
application/javascript js mjs;
I had to configure the worker again in the pdf viewer component in useEffect.
I am facing this issue also, and followed steps but it did not work, and my
file:http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; types { application/javascript js mjs; } default_type application/octet-stream; server { gzip on; gzip_disable "msie6"; gzip_vary on; gzip_proxied any; gzip_comp_level 6; gzip_buffers 16 8k; gzip_min_length 256; gzip_types text/plain text/css text/js text/xml text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json application/xml application/rss+xml image/svg+xml; ... } }
Anyone have another idea?
I edited mime.types file in nginx config ( yours is in
;)replaced js line with this
application/javascript js mjs;
I updated but it isn't working.
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = '/pdf.worker.min.mjs'
http {
include mime.types;
types {
application/javascript js mjs;
default_type application/octet-stream;
server {
gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";
gzip_vary on;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 16 8k;
gzip_min_length 256;
Using: Vite + React.lazy
I had the same issue, what solved it for me: is configuring PDF.js worker inside a self-invoked function and importing pdfjs
in there:
// src/main.tsx
// Configure PDF.js worker
(async () => {
const { pdfjs } = await import("react-pdf");
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL(
This also works, because I think the issue was not having pdfjs
used anywhere and consequently not loaded.
// src/main.tsx
import { pdfjs } from "react-pdf";
// Configure PDF.js worker
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL(
Before you start - checklist
I face the problem that shows Setting fake worker failed when using Vite + React.lazy (for react-pdf component) + run build mode
This issue only happen when run in npm run build mode, not happen when run in npm run dev mode Previously I used Webpack and this issue did not happen. It just happen when I migrate to vite
Steps to reproduce Step1: Config worker in main file Step2: Import component ReactPDF with Lazy:
Run this repo in production mode (npm run build) View the app by npm run preview Compare with run the app by npm run dev build
Production build:
Dev run:
Expected behavior
It should work the same with npm run dev and npm run build mode
Actual behavior
Production build:
Dev run:
Additional information
No response