Open trukhilio opened 4 years ago
Does it only appear when building IOS? What command do you use to built it?
Can you run it with METEOR_DESKTOP_DEBUG=1
and paste the results?
Can you paste your package.json deps?
I'm encountering the same issue - I tried using meteor-desktop 2.0.0 & 2.2.5 and meteor version 1.8.3 & 1.9.
I get the issue when running (both on iOS and Android)
First started a mobile server (meteor --mobile-server=, then
meteor run ios --settings ../settings/settings-development.json --port 3002 --mobile-server
I'm curious why meteor-desktop is doing anything at all when I'm trying to run the mobile app?
This is happening for me as well in my CI/CD on Github Actions - deploying only the web part of the application. This happens when running "meteor deploy".
Here is the action's output:
Preparing to deploy your app...
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`
Node#moveTo was deprecated. Use Container#append.
[meteor-desktop] creating a production build
[meteor-desktop] calculated .desktop hash version is 028b921c351fe768ba2172cfcfe433cd071b11c0_prod
Errors prevented deploying:
While processing files with omega:meteor-desktop-bundler (for target
Cannot read property 'assertVersion' of undefined
at packages/meteor-desktop-bundler/bundler.js:816:28
at Function.time
at MeteorDesktopBundler.processFilesForTarget
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any fix for this issue? facing the same issue when updated to 2.2.5 Works fine on 2.0.0
in case this helps other people:
make sure in .meteor/packages
match the version of meteor-desktop
for example
Hi! When I'm trying to build the ios bundle in Travis I'm getting this error:
meteor-desktop version is 2.2.4 meteor 1.8.1
P.S. works with the 2.0.0