wojtkowiak / meteor-desktop

Build a Meteor's desktop client with hot code push.
MIT License
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[autoupdate] Download failure: failed at verifyResponse: hash mismatch for asset: app/manifest.json on production app #280

Closed mexin closed 3 years ago

mexin commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the following error on a production app, already tried deploying multiple times, but to no avail

[autoupdate] Download failure: failed at verifyResponse: hash mismatch for asset: app/manifest.json - expected hash:e26ed8d2102d636235a810a42985ca22e351f26a != 8b2cd2eb4490565f91c337d12f4bbf80b2f57142

Seems it's not getting any updates, as when I try on console Meteor.settings some changes we added there aren't showing.

When we built it we defined the settings npm run desktop -- build-installer https://ddpurl.com --meteor-settings settings-electron.json --win --production --build-meteor

Could settings-electron.json be the cause as we modify and deployed with changes?

Is there any way to fix and allow our electron clients to get the newest version?

Thank you!

mexin commented 4 years ago

Update: Somehow it got resolved, not sure if by deploying a new version, the weird thing is we tried several deployments without any luck, then just by itself it started updating, now the question, is how to prevent this? or how can we force an update? this is pretty bad as we already had trouble with some customers due to their current version no having hotfixes we deployed.
