wokwi / easyeda2kicad

Convert EasyEDA designs to KiCad EDA
287 stars 39 forks source link

Binaries with releases? #27

Closed rattboi closed 4 years ago

rattboi commented 4 years ago

This tool looks awesome!

I'm able to build it easily, but I have friends that are less software-inclined and the source-only releases are a barrier-to-entry for them using your great tool.

Would you be open to adding releases as part of the Github Actions CI? https://dev.to/jochemstoel/bundle-your-node-app-to-a-single-executable-for-windows-linux-and-osx-2c89

If you'd like, I could submit a PR, but I wanted to test the waters first.

urish commented 4 years ago

Thanks @rattboi!

Well, you don't really need to build it from source, you can easily install it through npm via npm i -g easyeda2kicad, and then use it through the command-line. Is that something that can work for your friends? Perhaps we should improve the documentation?

rattboi commented 4 years ago

Sure, and that's trivial for me, but convincing windows-based folks to install node/npm is a hurdle in itself. Same with python or ruby or whatever. Lots of people aren't running Cygwin, git-bash, or WSL in windows.

urish commented 4 years ago

I see, how about a web page where you can open an EasyEDA file and save as KiCad?

rattboi commented 4 years ago

That'd be a great thing too.

Are you opposed to generating executables in CI, then? As I said, I could write it up, myself. They'd live in the actions bit, not the git history, so It won't be checking in binaries into git.

urish commented 4 years ago

Not opposed at all!

Through, I think a web interface will be easier for most users, and also ensure they are always running with the most up to date version

rattboi commented 4 years ago

I can get on-board with that as well :)

Having multiple options seems like a win as well, though, so I'll see about getting a PR put together still.

urish commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Meanwhile, I started working on the web interface.

expect some initial version soon :)

tianfeng33 commented 4 years ago

I really appreciate this. I want to open source more of my files but they are stuck in easyeda.

urish commented 4 years ago

Online version is now available!


I will update the README file shortly

urish commented 4 years ago

Also shared the news on twitter: https://twitter.com/WokwiMakes/status/1235685130913472512

rattboi commented 4 years ago

That was amazingly fast. Color me impressed.

urish commented 4 years ago

Closing, as the online version seems to do the job for now