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DALLAS DS18B20 #110

Closed pol-122 closed 1 year ago

pol-122 commented 3 years ago

Hello! I need DALLAS DS18B20, it is temperature chip. Could you add it? And if it is possible its library DallasTemperature.h too

urish commented 3 years ago

Library added! I'll look into adding the sensor itself over the next couple of days.

What project are you working on?

pol-122 commented 3 years ago

Oh, thank you! It is just a simple project, which will show temperature on oled or lcd display.

If I know, there is not OLED_I2C library. So maybe I will use LCD I2C.

One more request. Could you add stepper? Its library exist, but sensor itself not

urish commented 3 years ago

One more request. Could you add stepper? Its library exist, but sensor itself not

Mind opening a new issue for the stepper?

urish commented 3 years ago

Library added! I'll look into adding the sensor itself over the next couple of days.

It'll take a while until I get to implementing OneWire simulation...

AleksSteckie commented 2 years ago

Hey! I also need the DS18B20 sensor for a uni project :) I was wondering if you've added it yet? I only found an analog temperature sensor and unfortunately it's not exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!

urish commented 2 years ago

Hey @AleksandraStecka!

It's currently open for votes. The more votes it gets, the sooner we can get to work on it.

Are there any other parts you need for your uni project?

flixmyswitch commented 2 years ago

Hi have been looking through the sensor but cant see this, so not sure if it has been created. I see if way down the pecking order in the votes, sad face

urish commented 2 years ago

@flixmyswitch not yet. It did get 2 votes, which is a good starting point :)

urish commented 2 years ago

Good pointer from facebook discussion: https://github.com/orgua/OneWireHub

nikdevel commented 2 years ago

Hello! I also really need the ability to simulate a DS18B20 sensor. This is a very useful addition in my opinion!

urish commented 1 year ago

@bonnyr started working on an implementation using the Custom Chip API.

bonnyr commented 1 year ago

Implementation (first pass, intended to be generalised when I have time)

Repo for source is here: https://github.com/bonnyr/wokwi-ds1820-custom-chip

The README.md should point to an example project I used for testing (https://wokwi.com/projects/349898396478210642)

This makes use of @urish addition of pulling custom chips from GitHub (kudos :) )

urish commented 1 year ago

Now available in the purple Add Part menu, as a beta feature:
