wokwi / wokwi-features

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Offline version of the simulator #204

Open urish opened 2 years ago

urish commented 2 years ago

A version of the simulator you can use without an internet connection. Either by making the online version a PWA (progressive web app) that is available offline, or by providing a downloadable version of the application. In any case, this will require installing an Arduino compiler on the local machine (in order to compile the code).

Note that the Offline version is very likely to be a paid feature. Anyone who votes for this feature (before the first version is released) will get this feature, including one year of updates. Wokwi club members will also get access to the offline version.

MykolaKyrylenko commented 2 years ago

A version that can be integrated into an LMS (e.g. Moodle) will be great.

urish commented 2 years ago

A version that can be integrated into an LMS (e.g. Moodle) will be great.

You mean, a way to embed simulation projects into Moodle? Or do you have in mind a different kind of integration?

MykolaKyrylenko commented 2 years ago

What what I have seen, there are several ways to add to Moodle.

Note: the Falstad implementation includes AVR8js which works well on our Moodle

urish commented 2 years ago

Interesting! I'm not very familiar with Moodle, so this is useful for me. Mind opening a different issue for the possible Moodle integration?

homevk15 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm very interested in an offline version of the simulator. Please, tell me how I can get it. Will I get source code too? Will it be compiled in the same website as wokwi.com? Will it have Arduino and Raspberry Pi Pico? Is it allowed to make it available online and embed it on my website for others for free?

gauravacad commented 10 months ago

cannot we use limited data for IoT gateway http server. always having club feature is not possible

sasdallas commented 7 months ago

@gauravacad Assuming there is no solution, is there a way to mark this as unaddable or so? As disappointing as it is, if it actually cannot happen, most members shouldn't waste their votepowers on it.

urish commented 7 months ago

As disappointing as it is, if it actually cannot happen, most members shouldn't waste their votepowers on it.

Are you asking about Offline version of the simulator? It's in development. It'll be available as a feature in Wokwi for VS Code, and perhaps also as a totally standalone version after, depending on demand.

urish commented 6 months ago

Wokwi for VS Code now has initial support for offline operation, as a paid add-on. You can purchase it when you activate your Wokwi for VS Code license, from this page: https://wokwi.com/license.

I would love to hear your feedback - does it answer your needs? Is anything missing?

sasdallas commented 6 months ago

@urish While I understand the fact that bills need to be paid, $97 a year seems quite pricy, especially for those with big projects who just want to compile it faster. I haven't tried it out yet but maybe adding a monthly payment option or a free trial might be helpful! This definitely seems like something bigger than Wokwi Club, so it does make sense to have it as an addon.

Thank you for your work!

urish commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback @sasdallas! I'll look into adding a monthly payment option.

Timmmm commented 3 months ago

I think it would be worth clarifying somewhere whether Wokwi sends code to your servers or not if you don't buy the offline feature. Your privacy policy doesn't say anything about this - is the online requirement for the free version of the VSCode extension just a "check we're online" type thing or is it actually sending stuff to servers?

urish commented 3 months ago

I think it would be worth clarifying somewhere whether Wokwi sends code to your servers or not if you don't buy the offline feature. Your privacy policy doesn't say anything about this - is the online requirement for the free version of the VSCode extension just a "check we're online" type thing or is it actually sending stuff to servers?

Thanks for the feedback!

Wokwi for VS Code currently does not send your code or your compiled firmware binaries to the server. It does send some pseudo anonymized telemetry which includes information about your VS Code version, workspace type (detected by checking if files such as platformio.ini, CMakeFiles.txt, or Cargo.toml) exists, OS version, etc, unless VS Code tells it not to send any telemetry.

In case we learn people are using the free version of Wokwi for VS Code to work on non open source projects, we may decide to introduce a mechanism that actually verifies if the project is open source. For this reason, the privacy policy leaves this question open.

I hope this helps!

Timmmm commented 3 months ago

Very helpful thanks! Though I'm not sure you can "leave questions open" in your privacy policy. If you don't say you are using some data then you aren't allowed to use it. However I think you can just update the privacy policy if/when you want to change it.

selmen2004 commented 3 months ago

@urish I have complied an offline version using only ESP32 / micropython for educational use only ( we teach using wokwi in our secondary schools in Tunisia and some schools have internet issues ) is this ok ?

urish commented 3 months ago

@urish I have complied an offline version using only ESP32 / micropython for educational use only ( we teach using wokwi in our secondary schools in Tunisia and some schools have internet issues )

Would love to see what you compiled - how can I check it out?

selmen2004 commented 3 months ago

@urish I have complied an offline version using only ESP32 / micropython for educational use only ( we teach using wokwi in our secondary schools in Tunisia and some schools have internet issues )

Would love to see what you compiled - how can I check it out?

Sure , here : https://selmen.tn/2023/04/28/wokwi-esp32-micropython-simulator-offline/

saturnquack commented 3 months ago

Any update on an offline version of the non-vs code one? From what I'm reading, its a maybe?

urish commented 3 months ago

Any update on an offline version of the non-vs code one? From what I'm reading, its a maybe?

Nothing official at the moment :)

the-mentor commented 1 month ago

I would also like an offline version of the non VSCode one

I want to use it in my open source ESPHome Simulator if possible https://github.com/the-mentor/ESPHome-Device-Sim/

Keep up the amazing work !!