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Stepper motor limit switches #444

Open DarwinWasWrong opened 1 year ago

DarwinWasWrong commented 1 year ago

when coding for stepper motors, it would be very handy for have some form of limit switches logic.

Describe the solution you'd like either two switches on the motor rotation able to be positioned in the 360 degrees or a attribute of switch 1 on/off at 3203 steps, switch 2 of/on at 10 steps

the you could code for like - home positioning or limits interrupts

urish commented 1 year ago

Thanks! opened this for voting

drf5n commented 6 months ago

You can simulate limit switches with a function in your code. If, for example, you were using AccelStepper to drive the steppers, maybe something like this:

void simLimitSwitches() {
  const byte lowLimitPin = 13;
  const byte highLimitPin = 12;
  static long lastPos = 0;
  static bool initialized = false;
  if(initialized == false){
    initialized = true;
  long nowPos = stepper.currentPosition();
  if (nowPos != lastPos) {
    lastPos = nowPos;
    digitalWrite(lowLimitPin, nowPos < 30 ? HIGH : LOW);
    digitalWrite(highLimitPin, nowPos > 3000 ? HIGH : LOW);

I dropped that function into https://wokwi.com/projects/327381547863769683 and called it inside loop(), and it toggles the LED_BUILTIN appropriately.