wokwi / wokwi-features

Wokwi Feature requests & Bug Reports
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Use a language translation service #478

Open guillaume-dorczynski opened 1 year ago

guillaume-dorczynski commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I think languages files are hard to manage. Also, manually editing a json object can lead to syntax errors for people who don't know much about coding, for example in #473, translator made a mistake on line "diagram.menu.undo": "Annuler (he forgot to terminate the line)

Describe the solution you'd like There are online services like Pootle and Crowdin, where everyone can contribute easily, to fix typos or improve an existing translation. I like Crowdin because you can add a context image for each text string. And contributors are e-mailed when new text strings are to be translated.

urish commented 1 year ago


Do you have some experience integrating with Crowdin?

guillaume-dorczynski commented 1 year ago

No I just know about it because I translated a few projects that used these services. Pootle is simpler to use than Crowdin but lacks a few useful features. I think Pootle may be better for a small project like wokwi