wolfSSL / wolfTPM

wolfTPM is a highly portable TPM 2.0 library, designed for embedded use.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add TPM crypto callback support for RSA key generation #311

Closed dgarske closed 7 months ago

dgarske commented 7 months ago

Required for https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfPKCS11/pull/23

dgarske commented 7 months ago

It should be documented that WOLFSSL_PUBLIC_MP is required for all the examples in examples/run_examples.sh to succeed. Any reason not to add it to the recommended wolfSSL config in the readme?

Also seeing a failure in the csr test:

:~/git/wolfTPM $ ./examples/csr/csr -cert
TPM2 CSR Example
Trying TPM @ /dev/spidev0.0 (33 MHz)
Trying TPM @ /dev/spidev0.1 (33 MHz)
Found TPM @ /dev/spidev0.1
TPM2: Caps 0x30000697, Did 0x001b, Vid 0x15d1, Rid 0x16
TPM2_Startup pass
TPM2_SelfTest pass
TPM2_ReadPublic Handle 0x81000200: pub 282, name 34, qualifiedName 34
Loading SRK: Storage 0x81000200 (282 bytes)
Reading 506 bytes from rsa_test_blob.raw
Public Area (size 278):
  Type: RSA (0x1), name: SHA256 (0xB), objAttr: 0x60460, authPolicy sz: 0
  RSA: sym algorithm: NULL (0x10), sym keyBits: 0, sym mode: Unknown (0x0)
       scheme: NULL (0x10), scheme hash: Unknown (0x0)
       keyBits: 2048, exponent: 0x10001, unique size 256
Reading the private part of the key
TPM2_Load Key Handle 0x80000001
Loaded key to 0x80000001
TPM2_FlushContext: Closed handle 0x80000001
Failure 0xffffff39: Random Number Generator failed

That is correct. The ECC encrypt scheme requires direct mp_ math functions. It has already been added to wolfSSL's --enable-wolftpm. See PR https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl/pull/6683