wolfSSL / wolfssl

The wolfSSL library is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud. wolfSSL supports up to TLS 1.3 and DTLS 1.3!
GNU General Public License v2.0
2.23k stars 799 forks source link


Closed douzzer closed 4 weeks ago

douzzer commented 1 month ago

New global debugging aid -- --enable-debug-trace-errcodes aka -DWOLFSSL_DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR_CODES causes the library to render to stderr a message with the filename, line number, error code name, and error number, for each and every error code throw.

Example log fragment from an application, with --enable-debug also enabled (they are independent of each other):

Processing CA PEM file
wolfSSL Entering ProcessBuffer
wolfSSL Entering PemToDer
Adding a CA
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/asn.c L 1598 ASN_OBJECT_ID_E (-144)
Date AFTER check failed
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/asn.c L 21754 ASN_AFTER_DATE_E (-151)
Getting Cert Name
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_X509_NAME_new_ex
wolfSSL Entering wolfSSL_X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID
Found place for name entry

and another example, from testwolfcrypt output showing results from the SRTP-KDF expected-failure tests:

wolfSSL Entering srtpkdf_test
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1048 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1152 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/aes.c L 4358 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/aes.c L 4358 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1048 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1152 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1048 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1152 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1048 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1152 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1048 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1152 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1048 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
ERR TRACE: wolfcrypt/src/kdf.c L 1152 BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173)
SRTP KDF test passed!

WC_ERR_TRACE(label) can be overridden (e.g. from user_settings.h) with an embedded-friendly or otherwise specialized definition.

Note that error codes are instrumented only inside the library -- the shimming requires defined(BUILDING_LIBWOLFSSL). Thus the WC_NO_ERR_TRACE() macro (which is always a constant numeric value) is for internal use only. Everything outside the library -- applications, of course, but also testwolfcrypt, benchmark.c, etc. -- always see the same numeric constant enum error codes as ever.

On non-autotools builds, manually running support/gen-debug-trace-error-codes.sh will be necessary by some mechanism. It's fine to run manually and directly, and takes no args.

The nitty gritty:

add --enable-debug-trace-errcodes, WOLFSSL_DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR_CODES, WC_ERR_TRACE(), WC_NO_ERR_TRACE(), support/gen-debug-trace-error-codes.sh.

also add numerous deployments of WC_NO_ERR_TRACE() to inhibit frivolous/misleading errcode traces when -DWOLFSSL_DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR_CODES.

tested with wolfssl-multi-test.sh ... quick-check all-gcc-debug-c99 cppcheck-force-source with all-gcc-debug-c99 tweaked to have --enable-debug-trace-errcodes.

additional notes:

autoconvert comparisons to error codes:


find initializations to error codes (require manual mitigation):


count and rank occurrences in testwolfcrypt output, to orient+prioritize auditing and manual mitigation of frivolous errcode traces:

wolfcrypt/test/testwolfcrypt 2>&1 | grep -F 'ERR TRACE' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | less
douzzer commented 1 month ago

retest this please