wolfeidau / rake-bamboo-plugin

Plugin for bamboo which enables building of ruby projects using rake
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Trouble running Cucumber #30

Closed DaveSanders closed 11 years ago

DaveSanders commented 11 years ago

I DON'T think this is an issue with the plugin, but I'm hoping for some advice. I posted the meat of the issue at StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12791064/bamboo-cucumber-webkit-driver

The rub is that I need to run the cuke tests within xvfb-run so that capybara webkit driver can do its thing as a headless browser tester. However, there is something going on where either bundler isn't available or the gems aren't. Like its not running in the same gemset.

Because of xvfb, I have to run the rake task via a script task, which is what I think is causing the issues and not setting up the environment right. Do you have any idea? OR is there a way to run the rake task within the context of another task? (besides bundle exec)


DaveSanders commented 11 years ago

Never mind, I figured it out I think. Based on the advice in this related article about Jenkins: http://sermoa.wordpress.com/2011/07/02/cucumber-running-headless-selenium-with-jenkins-the-easy-way/

wolfeidau commented 11 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to log the issue, and the subsequent resolution. Either way I will get a sample project up to test with for my own information!