wolfeidau / rake-bamboo-plugin

Plugin for bamboo which enables building of ruby projects using rake
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Performance Issue #68

Closed dasheck0 closed 10 years ago

dasheck0 commented 10 years ago

Installing all gems from scratch before each test cycle slows the process down. The tests itself take only 60 seconds. But due to the fact that all gems needs to be installed the complete test cycle takes far more than 5 minutes. Is there a way to tell the plugin that it should use preinstalled gems (if they exist), so that one can increase the performance of the test cycle? If not this would be a nice feature.

EDIT: To clear things up. We have three gems we want to test. In order to test properly we have to run bundle install in each of the gems directory. For this we use the bundler cli task and provide "install" as the command line argument. This works for the first gem but crashes with the other ones. We do not know, what exactly causes the crash.

Also the bundle install task seems to ignore the locally installed gems, since we installed them to the system. Oddly the bundle install task downloads the gems and installs them once more, which needs a lot of time. We also hope that you could help us with these issues.

Best regards

wolfeidau commented 10 years ago


If bamboo is outputting an error of some sort that may help me diagnose the issue.

I would first perform the tasks you mention in situ to ensure they will work, then run them in bamboo using my plugin.

If you vendor your gems using the option provided then yes bundler will ignore the installed gems. This options provided are detailed in http://bundler.io/v1.5/bundle_install.html

dasheck0 commented 10 years ago

This is an error log from a failed Plan:

error 24-Apr-2014 15:31:49 usage: install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode] error 24-Apr-2014 15:31:49 [-o owner] file1 file2 error 24-Apr-2014 15:31:49 install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode] error 24-Apr-2014 15:31:49 [-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory error 24-Apr-2014 15:31:49 install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...

Seems that we use the command line argument in a wrong way. Our settings were: Working Subdirectory: - Arguments: install Environment Variables: - The "-" indicates that the lines were empty. However with this setting the first job runs smoothly but the other ones fail with the given error.

We also tried the command line argument: --local which should use the preinstalled gems. But also in this case it loaded them from scratch.

Thanks for your help. It is really appreciated. Best regards

wolfeidau commented 10 years ago

Ah great to hear you sorted it out.

dasheck0 commented 10 years ago

Sry for my probably misleading comment, but we didn't solva anything. Still standing at the same spot. As I said the command line argument --local didn't work as intended.