wolfeidau / rake-bamboo-plugin

Plugin for bamboo which enables building of ruby projects using rake
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ubuntu server: Could not run ruby task: Unable to locate Runtime Manager installation. #76

Open neeraji2it opened 10 years ago

neeraji2it commented 10 years ago

I am using bamboo-ruby plugin v2.5 and here is my issue

If I configure tasks like bundler, rake task db:migrate or Capistrano tasks, I am getting following error:

NOTE: this error is related with bundler task:

simple  02-Jul-2014 10:49:01    Starting task 'bundle install' of type 'au.id.wolfe.bamboo.rake-bamboo-plugin:task.builder.bundler'
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01    Could not run ruby task: Unable to locate Runtime Manager installation.
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01    au.id.wolfe.bamboo.ruby.locator.RuntimeLocatorException: Unable to locate Runtime Manager installation.
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at au.id.wolfe.bamboo.ruby.locator.RubyLocatorServiceFactory.acquireRubyLocator(RubyLocatorServiceFactory.java:63)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at au.id.wolfe.bamboo.ruby.tasks.AbstractRubyTask.getRubyLocator(AbstractRubyTask.java:119)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at au.id.wolfe.bamboo.ruby.tasks.AbstractRubyTask.buildEnvironment(AbstractRubyTask.java:157)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at au.id.wolfe.bamboo.ruby.tasks.AbstractRubyTask.execute(AbstractRubyTask.java:73)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTasks(TaskExecutorImpl.java:220)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.execute(TaskExecutorImpl.java:98)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.build.pipeline.tasks.ExecuteBuildTask.call(ExecuteBuildTask.java:75)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.DefaultBuildAgent.build(DefaultBuildAgent.java:186)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.BuildAgentControllerImpl.waitAndPerformBuild(BuildAgentControllerImpl.java:102)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.DefaultBuildAgent$1.run(DefaultBuildAgent.java:108)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.BambooRunnables$1.run(BambooRunnables.java:49)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper.runWith(ImpersonationHelper.java:31)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper.runWithSystemAuthority(ImpersonationHelper.java:20)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper$1.run(ImpersonationHelper.java:52)
error   02-Jul-2014 10:49:01            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
simple  02-Jul-2014 10:49:01    Finished task 'bundle install'

I have installed rvm, ruby and bundler in my ubuntu server.

which ruby

What I am missing here?

wolfeidau commented 10 years ago

What have you got in the list of rubies in the admin section, have you upgraded/removed any recently?

I find double checking what the assumed version vs what you have is a good place to start.

neeraji2it commented 10 years ago

Hi wolfeidau, Thanks a lot for you reply. Sorry, I am late, coz I was out form a week. Now I am back and really want to accomplish this task.

rvm list

# Ruby

rvm rubies

=* ruby-1.9.3-p362 [ x86_64 ]
   ruby-1.9.3-p374 [ x86_64 ]
   ruby-1.9.3-p547 [ x86_64 ]

# => - current
# =* - current && default
#  * - default


Here is a screenshot of my bamboo configuration:

1) server capabilities http://awesomescreenshot.com/0db348mq64

2) Bundler Task: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0f2348nt19

NOTE: another developer has configured these bamboo configuration so, not sure either they were automatically detected by "Detect server Capability" button or manually created. But trying to click on "Detect server Capability" button and debugging in log file I got something like this:

tail -f atlassian-bamboo.log

2014-07-09 07:29:35,708 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [AccessLogFilter] neeraj GET http://<server-ip>/chain/admin/ajax/getChains.action?planKey=TRANSFORM-ETS&_=1404890955166 80612kb
2014-07-09 07:29:36,024 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [AccessLogFilter] neeraj POST http://<server-ip>/admin/agent/updateDefaultsLocalCapability.action 80429kb
2014-07-09 07:29:36,511 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [PerforceManager] Attempting to extract Perforce Executable
2014-07-09 07:29:36,511 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [PerforceManager] Could not find system variable. If you wish to use perforce please set the location as a capability.
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Retrieving a list of runtime managers.
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - SYSTEM
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - rbenv
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RbenvRubyRuntimeLocatorService] Searching for rbenv installation in users home directory located at - /root/.rbenv
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - RVM
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RvmRubyRuntimeLocatorService] Searching for rvm installation in users home directory located at - /root/.rvm
2014-07-09 07:29:37,573 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RvmRubyRuntimeLocatorService] Search for rvm installation in system paths /usr/local/rvm
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - WINDOWS
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Retrieving a list of runtime managers.
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - SYSTEM
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - rbenv
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RbenvRubyRuntimeLocatorService] Searching for rbenv installation in users home directory located at - /root/.rbenv
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - RVM
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RvmRubyRuntimeLocatorService] Searching for rvm installation in users home directory located at - /root/.rvm
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RvmRubyRuntimeLocatorService] Search for rvm installation in system paths /usr/local/rvm
2014-07-09 07:29:37,574 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [RubyCapabilityDefaultsHelper] Loading ruby locator service - WINDOWS
2014-07-09 07:29:37,575 INFO [pool-16-thread-1] [BuildQueueManagerImpl] Attempting to reconstruct build queue...
2014-07-09 07:29:37,678 INFO [pool-16-thread-1] [BuildQueueManagerImpl] Build queue reconstructed, builds in queue: 0, time taken: 103ms
2014-07-09 07:29:37,891 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-1] [AccessLogFilter] neeraj GET http://<server-ip>/admin/agent/configureSharedLocalCapabilities.action 77801kb
2014-07-09 07:29:39,317 INFO [http-bio-8085-exec-22] [AccessLogFilter] neeraj GET http://<server-ip>/rest/menu/latest/appswitcher?_=1404890958774 52616kb

NOTE: rvm, ruby and and bundler were not installed previously, only bamboo configuration was there. I installed them later, but still no luck
