Open ianhyzy opened 1 year ago
I’m not actually sure how to do this but I’ll do some digging when I have some time! Would be cool to add
This is probably not the most efficient way to do this, but I've accomplished this through a couple of rest sensors and a template sensor for each user. I have person cards on dashboards and whenever a user is using audiobookshelf or spotify, they get headphones on their avatar and the book-author or title-track scrolls across the bottom of their person card in marquee fashion.
#Rest sensor to get all online users from ABS via api
- platform: rest
name: ABS Online Users
resource: http://(ABS SERVER:PORT)/api/users/online?token=(ROOT USER API TOKEN)
value_template: "{{ value_json.usersOnline | length }}"
- usersOnline
scan_interval: 15
#Rest sensor to get listenings sessions info for all users from ABS via api
- platform: rest
name: ABS User Listening Sessions
resource: http://(ABS SERVER:PORT)/api/users/(USER ID)/listening-sessions?token=(ROOT USER API TOKEN)
value_template: "{{ value_json.sessions | length }}"
- sessions
scan_interval: 15
# AudioBookShelf active session sensors
- name: "ABS user Active Session"
state: >
{% set user_id = '(USER ID)' %}
{% set users_online = state_attr('sensor.abs_online_users', 'usersOnline') %}
{% set sessions = state_attr('sensor.abs_user_listening_sessions', 'sessions') %}
{% if users_online is not none and sessions is not none %}
{% set user_online = users_online | selectattr('id', 'equalto', user_id) | list %}
{% if user_online | length > 0 %}
{% if sessions | length > 0 %}
{% set session = sessions[0] %}
{% if session.mediaMetadata and session.mediaMetadata.authors %}
📖 "{{ session.mediaMetadata.title }}" by {{ session.mediaMetadata.authors[0].name }}
{% else %}
Active session with missing media metadata
{% endif %}
{% else %}
No sessions found
{% endif %}
{% else %}
Not Listening
{% endif %}
{% else %}
No data
{% endif %}
unique_id: "abs_user_active_session"
# Sensor for name of media being played by user
- name: "user Media Playing"
state: >
{% set abs_state = states('sensor.abs_user_active_session') %}
{% set spotify_state = states('media_player.spotify_user') %}
{% set spotify_title = state_attr('media_player.spotify_user', 'media_title') %}
{% set spotify_artist = state_attr('media_player.spotify_user', 'media_artist') %}
{% if abs_state != 'Not Listening' and abs_state != 'unknown' %}
{{ abs_state }}
{% elif spotify_state == 'playing' and spotify_title != none and spotify_artist != none %}
🎵 {{ spotify_title }} - {{ spotify_artist }}
{% else %}
Not Listening
{% endif %}
unique_id: "user_media_playing"
Sorry for the poor quality gif conversion, but you get the idea.
Thanks @sdholden28, that will be a great help! Sorry that I haven't gotten this added sooner, I've been trying to redo the code to be generally better but am not a Python wizard so haven't made much progress
This is awesome integration, thank you. If it's possible I would love to be able to pull the cover of the audiobook I'm listening to, like how Spotify or Sonos show the album art when an entity is playing.