Open balajiSenthilnathan opened 4 years ago
Hi, Your add-ins have to use different class GUIDs and ProgIds.
Hi, Thank you for your response, we tried changing the GUIDs and progIds in OfficeAddin and RegisterAddin. also we changed the class names corresponding to progIds. But still we are not successful. Do we need to change the ids of auto generated classes, Could you please help us with further steps.Thanks in advance.
Another reason could be that you use the same upgradeCode for your products. Different products have to use different upgradeCodes.
If you need to deploy a new version, choose a new productCode but let the upgradeCode unchanged
Hello. I am running two separate Addins using joa in my outlook using MSI installer. But now i need to run both the addins simultaneously. When i try to install the second addin, first addin gets replaced in outlook. Could you please mention a way to use both the addins simultaneously in the outlook. Thanks in advance.