wolfgangmm / tei-simple-pm

An implementation of the TEI Simple ODD extensions for processing models in XQuery.
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Error generating LaTeX PDF #11

Open joewiz opened 9 years ago

joewiz commented 9 years ago

When loading baldwin's LaTeX, I get this error:

(URL: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/tei-simple/modules/latex.xql?odd=teisimple.odd&doc=/test/baldwin.xml)

exerr:ERROR /Users/joe/workspace/exist/webapp/teisimple-temp/baldwin-7b3f2378-20150525-013417.pdf (No such file or directory) [at line 84, column 37]

The error log from console is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<execution exitCode="1">
    <commandline>/usr/texbin/pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode baldwin-7b3f2378-20150525-013417 </commandline>
        <line>This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded
        <line> restricted \write18 enabled.</line>
        <line>entering extended mode</line>
        <line>LaTeX2e &lt;2014/05/01&gt;</line>
        <line>Babel &lt;3.9k&gt; and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.</line>
        <line>Document Class: book 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class</line>
        <line>Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hpdftex.</line>
        <line>No file baldwin-7b3f2378-20150525-013417.aux.</line>
        <line>[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]</line>
        <line>*geometry* driver: auto-detecting</line>
        <line>*geometry* detected driver: pdftex</line>
        <line>! Missing number, treated as zero.</line>
        <line>&lt;to be read again&gt; </line>
        <line> F</line>
        <line>l.31 Simion Suggs, JR. \\ [Frontispiece Image]</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).</line>
        <line>&lt;to be read again&gt; </line>
        <line> F</line>
        <line>l.31 Simion Suggs, JR. \\ [Frontispiece Image]</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 31--32</line>
        <line>! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.</line>
        <line>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.</line>
        <line>Type H &lt;return&gt; for immediate help.</line>
        <line> ... </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.57 \\M</line>
        <line> Y FRIENDS</line>
        <line>! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.</line>
        <line>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.</line>
        <line>Type H &lt;return&gt; for immediate help.</line>
        <line> ... </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.59 \\I</line>
        <line> N THE VALLEY OF THE SHENANDOAH,</line>
        <line>! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.</line>
        <line>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.</line>
        <line>Type H &lt;return&gt; for immediate help.</line>
        <line> ... </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.61 \\T</line>
        <line> his Volume</line>
        <line>! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.</line>
        <line>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.</line>
        <line>Type H &lt;return&gt; for immediate help.</line>
        <line> ... </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.63 \\I</line>
        <line> S RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED.</line>
        <line>Package Fancyhdr Warning: \headheight is too small (12.0pt): </line>
        <line> Make it at least 13.59999pt.</line>
        <line> We now make it that large for the rest of the document.</line>
        <line> This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.</line>
        <line>[2] [3] [4] (/usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd)</line>
        <line>[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]</line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Argument of \@firstoftwo has an extra }.</line>
        <line>&lt;inserted text&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>Runaway argument?</line>
        <line>! Paragraph ended before \@firstoftwo was complete.</line>
        <line>&lt;to be read again&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@icentercr doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnextchar ...eserved@d =#1\def \reserved@a {#2}</line>
        <line> \def \reserved@b {#3}\futu...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Argument of \@firstoftwo has an extra }.</line>
        <line>&lt;inserted text&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>Runaway argument?</line>
        <line>! Paragraph ended before \@firstoftwo was complete.</line>
        <line>&lt;to be read again&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@icentercr doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnextchar ...eserved@d =#1\def \reserved@a {#2}</line>
        <line> \def \reserved@b {#3}\futu...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Argument of \@firstoftwo has an extra }.</line>
        <line>&lt;inserted text&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>Runaway argument?</line>
        <line>! Paragraph ended before \@firstoftwo was complete.</line>
        <line>&lt;to be read again&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@icentercr doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnextchar ...eserved@d =#1\def \reserved@a {#2}</line>
        <line> \def \reserved@b {#3}\futu...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Argument of \@firstoftwo has an extra }.</line>
        <line>&lt;inserted text&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>Runaway argument?</line>
        <line>! Paragraph ended before \@firstoftwo was complete.</line>
        <line>&lt;to be read again&gt; </line>
        <line> \par </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Undefined control sequence.</line>
        <line>\reserved@a -&gt;\@nil </line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@icentercr doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnextchar ...eserved@d =#1\def \reserved@a {#2}</line>
        <line> \def \reserved@b {#3}\futu...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Use of \@xifnch doesn't match its definition.</line>
        <line>\@ifnch ...ptoken \let \reserved@c \@xifnch \else </line>
        <line> \ifx \@let@token \reserved...</line>
        <line>l.179 ...\textit{vs.}\\ SWINK, \textit{Slander.}}}</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 179.</line>
        <line>&lt;inserted text&gt; </line>
        <line> \fi </line>
        <line>&lt;*&gt; baldwin-7b3f2378-20150525-013417</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! Emergency stop.</line>
        <line>&lt;*&gt; baldwin-7b3f2378-20150525-013417</line>
        <line> </line>
        <line>! ==&gt; Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!</line>
        <line>Transcript written on baldwin-7b3f2378-20150525-013417.log.</line>
joewiz commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately I don't know LaTeX, so I can't diagnose or speculate, but I thought I'd report it.

I'm using MacTeX 20140525.

joewiz commented 9 years ago

(No worries if this works for you and it's just not working for me with MacTeX.)