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libreoffice cannot convert power point files #22069

Open csbuild-c7ks7s opened 2 weeks ago

csbuild-c7ks7s commented 2 weeks ago

From a basic Dockerfile:

FROM cgr.dev/chainguard/wolfi-base
RUN apk add libreoffice-24.2

then trying to run the following command to convert pptx

/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin --headless --convert-to pdf test.pptx returns error: Error: source file could not be loaded

Works fine for doc and txt?

csbuild-c7ks7s commented 1 week ago

Hi @mamccorm - Looks like you did the initial implementation for libreoffice? Do you have any clues as to why the powerpoint would be giving me that error when trying to convert? We only use libreoffice for its convert headless feature and txt and docx work fine but pptx is giving me that error. thanks