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crac support in wolfi java sdk/jre #27342

Open tuananh opened 2 weeks ago

tuananh commented 2 weeks ago


The CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) Project researches coordination of Java programs with mechanisms to checkpoint (make an image of, snapshot) a Java instance while it is executing. Restoring from the image could be a solution to some of the problems with the start-up and warm-up times. The primary aim of the Project is to develop a new standard mechanism-agnostic API to notify Java programs about the checkpoint and restore events. Other research activities will include, but will not be limited to, integration with existing checkpoint/restore mechanisms and development of new ones, changes to JVM and JDK to make images smaller and ensure they are correct.

not sure what it takes to get this in wolfi java sdk/jre. looks like these are what we need to do according to this https://github.com/CRaC/openjdk-builds

some other information:

tuananh commented 2 weeks ago

@rawlingsj what do you think? is this something Wolfi team interested it?