wolfmanstout / talon-gaze-ocr

Talon scripts to enable advanced cursor control using eye tracking and OCR.
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gaze-ocr not starting on linux mint #24

Closed jarrodharvey closed 10 months ago

jarrodharvey commented 10 months ago

Gaze OCR will not start on my Linux Mint installation. I get the following error related to a failed package import. Any ideas for a possible fix?

2023-11-04 17:06:29.796 ERROR user.talon-gaze-ocr.gaze_ocr_talon (/home/jarrod/.talon/user/talon-gaze-ocr/gaze_ocr_talon.py) import failed 54: lib/python3.11/threading.py:995 # loader thread 53: lib/python3.11/threading.py:1038 52: lib/python3.11/threading.py:975 51: app/resources/loader.py:852 | 50: app/resources/loader.py:784 | 49: app/resources/loader.py:644 | 48: app/resources/loader.py:660 | 47: app/resources/loader.py:715 | 46: app/resources/loader.py:425 | # [stack splice] 45: lib/python3.11/importlib/init.py:126 | 44: app/resources/loader.py:240 | 43: app/resources/loader.py:235 | 42: user/talon-gaze-ocr/gaze_ocr_talon.py:34 | import gaze_ocr 41: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 40: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 39: lib/python3.11/site-packages/gaze_ocr/init.py:1 | from ._gaze_ocr import 38: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 37: lib/python3.11/site-packages/gaze_ocr/_gaze_ocr.py:14 | from screen_ocr import Reader, ScreenC.. 36: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 35: lib/python3.11/site-packages/screen_ocr/init.py:1 | from ._screen_ocr import * 34: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 33: lib/python3.11/site-packages/screen_ocr/_screen_ocr.py:36 | from . import _easyocr 32: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 31: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 30: lib/python3.11/site-packages/screen_ocr/_easyocr.py:1 | import easyocr 29: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 28: lib/python3.11/site-packages/easyocr/init.py:1 | from .easyocr import Reader 27: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 26: lib/python3.11/site-packages/easyocr/easyocr.py:3 | from .recognition import get_recognize.. 25: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 24: lib/python3.11/site-packages/easyocr/recognition.py:2 | import torch 23: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 22: lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/init.py:1465| from . import _meta_registrations 21: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 20: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 19: lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_meta_registrations.py:7 | from torch._decomp import _add_op_to_r.. 18: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 17: lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_decomp/init.py:169 | import torch._decomp.decompositions 16: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 15: lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_decomp/decompositions.py:22 | from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_sh.. 14: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 13: lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/fx/experimental/symbolic_shapes.py:29 | import sympy # type: ignore[import] 12: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 10: lib/python3.11/site-packages/sympy/init.py:30 | from sympy.core.cache import lazy_func.. 9: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 8: lib/python3.11/site-packages/sympy/core/init.py:9 | from .expr import Expr, AtomicExpr, Un.. 7: app/resources/loader.py:359 | 6: lib/python3.11/site-packages/sympy/core/expr.py:42 | @sympify_method_args 5: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4: lib/python3.11/site-packages/sympy/core/decorators.py:180 | setattr(cls, attrname, obj.make_wrappe.. 3: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2: lib/python3.11/site-packages/sympy/core/decorators.py:215 | nargs = func.code.co_argcount 1: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: code

wolfmanstout commented 10 months ago

As noted in the README, Linux is not supported as the OCR API in Talon is not supported for Linux. Some folks have been successful in getting this to work so you can check pinned messages in the Talon ext-gaze-ocr Slack channel.